Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Philosophy Friday: Good Medicine

Garden in late afternoon

In the course of my reading, I’ve come across a wonderful Native American concept called good medicine. Good medicine is whatever nourishes your heart and spirit. It’s whatever calms you… brings you joy… whatever can lift you out of a funk. I know when something’s good medicine for me if it makes me feel light, refreshed, alive, renewed, happy, and relaxed.

Good medicine is very individual, so your good medicine may not be someone else’s good medicine. Since it is so individual, it’s our own responsibility to care for ourselves with regular “doses.” Maybe it’s taking a long walk in a beautiful neighborhood, laughing at a funny movie with your best friend, sitting on your porch in the early morning with a mug of tea, being at the beach with your husband, reading a trashy celebrity gossip magazine, watching old I Love Lucy episodes, taking a solo weekend getaway, delighting in your pet’s antics…anything that you love.

I’ve really come to appreciate the importance of making time for my own good medicine. I know it’s time for a dose when I feel overwhelmed, drained, and depressed. Luckily, I have a whole “pharmacy” to choose from when I need a dose, but puttering around in my garden is one of my very favorite remedies. This means that for my health and well being, I have to hang out in my garden — admiring it, pulling a few weeds, sprucing up, clipping, harvesting. It’s so essential for keeping me in balance that I no longer consider it “just a hobby” — it really is my medicine! 🙂

What’s your good medicine?


  1. Julie

    I love this concept! It is so true. Now I am thinking about my good medicine. Definitely a funny movie and laughing at pet antics and admiring pet cuteness. I know because when I was away traveling and had neither of those, I really missed them! So you might find your good medicine by noticing its absence during times of your life.

  2. Lindsey

    Oh that’s such a great point! Finding out what your good medicine is by noticing its absence in your life. YES! In fact, I’m sure that’s how I noticed what my good medicine was…by really feeling the effects of not having it in my life.

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