Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Month: December 2009 (Page 2 of 2)

Fun Snack: Apple Peanut Butter “Sandwiches”

Apple Peanut Butter Raisin Sandwiches

I really enjoyed my little “apple sandwich” I made for a snack today, and thought you might like it, too. Fun, yummy, and healthful for both kids and adults!

Apple Peanut Butter “Sandwiches”

Apples, one or more of your favorite variety

Peanut butter (or use almond butter, tahini, etc.)



Slice the apples thinly. I sliced through the apple horizontally (through the “equator”) and then cut the core out of each slice, but you could also slice vertically. Spread some peanut butter on one slice, top with raisins, and sprinkle with cinnamon. Place another apple slice on top. Now you have an apple sandwich!

How to Make Snow Ice Cream

Having been born and raised here in Colorado, I’ve had lots of wonderful experiences in the snow over the years. I love the snow! Sledding, shoveling the sidewalk, cross country skiing, building snowmen, and getting excited when the really big storms hit. And…making snow ice cream! That’s a sweet memory from all the way back to early childhood. It’s awfully easy, and the main ingredient is free! But it’s also a special treat that can only be made when it snows enough! This is how my mom and I have always made it:

Snow Ice Cream

Fresh, clean snow

Milk (Whatever you have. Whole milk is nice, and some cream is even nicer.)

Maple syrup (or sugar)

Vanilla extract


First, set out your ingredients. You’ll want to work fast once you bring the snow inside.

Once it has snowed at least a couple inches, go outside with a large bowl or pan. Scoop up the cleanest snow you can find, being careful to not scrape along the grass…and avoiding dog pee, if applicable!


Now, there aren’t any measurements for this recipe. You just sort of eye it, mix it up, taste it, and adjust. Into the snow, pour some milk, add some sugar (any sugar will work, though I especially like maple syrup for making snow ice cream), and then add a little vanilla.

Mix it together with a spoon and taste. Add more snow, milk, sugar, or vanilla if needed, until it tastes good to you. You’ll get a feel for the ingredient amounts once you make it.

Serve it up and enjoy immediately before it melts. It doesn’t really hold up in the freezer since it will pretty much freeze solid. Enjoy this ephemeral, wintertime treat!


The December “Frost Moon”

December Full Cold Moon

Did you see the moon last night at dusk? This year’s Frost Moon is on December 2nd, so there are a couple more nights to enjoy it. I just love seeing the black, leafless tree tops silhouetted against a rising moon in a dusky sky. It was a special treat last night on my bike ride home from work!

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