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Kitchen Tip: Best Tool for Removing Baked-On Food

Best Tool for Removing Baked-On Food, (c) The Herbangardener

Oh my goodness, I have discovered something! I made some Challah bread over the holidays and did an egg wash over the top of each braided loaf, and then baked them on cookie sheets. Do you have any idea how hard it is to scrub burnt egg off a cookie sheet?? I scrubbed and scrubbed with my scouring pads, which I swear took a layer of metal right off the cookie sheet, but didn’t touch the egg.  I rummaged around, trying to find something else to use. There was my little nylon pan scraper that had come free with the Pampered Chef Stoneware loaf pan I’d bought. It’s so small and simple that I figured it wouldn’t work. WELL. That pan scraper plowed through the burnt egg like it was butter. So you know when you bake cookies and can’t get the baked-on crud to come off? PAN SCRAPER. You will not believe how well it works; in fact it seems like magic. Pampered Chef isn’t paying me to say this, so I guess it’s free advertising for them! (Though I have to say, I’ve been more impressed with the little pan scraper than the actual stoneware pan!)

And we discovered tonight that the Pan Scraper makes very quick work of any charred food baked onto the floor of the oven. No harsh oven-cleaning chemicals needed. And no scouring, either!

Anyway, you can buy them by clicking here: Pampered Chef Nylon Pan Scrapers. Definitely my new favorite cleaning tool!

Best Tool for Removing Baked-On Food, (c) The Herbangardener


  1. Jeanette

    When one of my sons worked at a Dairy Queen, they put ice on the hot grill to take off the burnt grease. Couldn’t believe it but it worked at least there.
    I tried it once on a hot burned skillet, but no luck.
    But I did learn from my grandma when frying chicken, heat the oil or shortening then when it is hot, put in a blob of oleomargarine just before putting in the chicken pieces and they won’t spatter. Be sure too to pierce the liver before putting it in so it won’t explode. Also my best recipe for herb-floured chicken came from my grandma too. Soak chicken pieces in buttermilk then dip them in flour that has dried herbs mixed in (any ones you like or mixed) and make sure your salt and pepper are in the flour mix too. Self rising flour is good to use. It makes a good crust. Put lid on chicken & cook for 15 minutes over medium heat, then turn pieces making sure the liver & heart, gizzard, are taken out since they are done in 15 minutes. Then cook the rest another 12 minutes, making sure the heat is still medium & lid is on. If wings are getting too brown, put them on top of thicker pieces.

  2. Emily

    I love my little scraper, too! Mine also came with a PC pizza stone. My grandma also got me another little scraper for Christmas that is a little bigger and has a handle of sorts on one end. They both work great!

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