Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Camping Trip Supply List

Well gosh, it’s a little late in the season to be posting a camping supply list, but if anyone is going camping over the Labor Day weekend, it might help. I came up with the list (in no particular order!) based on what we took on our recent camping trip, so this will pretty much cover all your bases.


tarp (optional, but nice to have something to put the tent on so you don’t track dirt inside and all over your sleeping bags)

water — roughly a gallon per person per day or more, for drinking/cooking/washing

sleeping bags or bed rolls

inflatable pads to go under your sleeping bag


toilet paper

trowel/small shovel (if there aren’t outhouses, bring a trowel to dig a 6” deep hole for when nature really calls)

unscented baby wipes for “dry showers”

bath towels

kitchen hand towel

coleman stove

extra gas or propane if needed

coleman lantern (optional if you have flashlights)

fire extinguisher


pots and pans as needed

potholder if needed (or use kitchen towel as a pot holder)

tupperware or ziploc bags for leftovers



measuring cup/measuring spoons if needed

metal spatula


steak knife or slicing knife



dish soap (we like Dr. Bronners because it’s gentle on the environment, and can be used for dishes, hands, bodies, hair, toothpaste, etc)


trash bags

2 flash lights

cups or mugs

plates and/or bowls

rope for clothesline if needed

collapsible chairs if your site doesn’t have a picnic table

bug spray

salt & pepper

oil for cooking

[UPDATE: rain ponchos are handy, too!]

What are your camping essentials?


  1. snowpeas

    A very comprehensive list! All I can think of to add is a rain poncho, just in case . . . 🙂

  2. Margaret

    great list- but be aware that a tarp sticking out from under your tent will collect water and draw it under your tent if it rains. Always make sure none of your ground cover sticks out from under your tent. Is you experience with this different than mine?

  3. Lindsey

    Margaret, OH! Great point about the tarp in the rain– thanks for bringing it up!

  4. Lindsey

    A rain poncho is a really good idea…I will add it!

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