Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Wow It’s Cold Out!

"Hi!" - After my walk home from work.

We’ve got some deep cold going on right now!

Has it hit your neck of the woods?

Today broke a record; it only got up to -1!

Tonight will be -21 with windchill around -30! And it’s humid, making the cold seem colder. To breathe deeply makes your lungs hurt, and the moisture in your nose freezes on each in-breath! I walked home from work today (2 miles) instead of taking the bus, just to feel it. Invigorating, but two rules! 1.) Keep moving. 2.) Don’t take your hands out of your mittens, ever! I was amazed at how quickly they got numbed and absolutely chilled to the bone. Shew!

And how grateful I was to come home to a cozy house with a hubby who squeezed me close to warm up my icy skin! And then to sit with my feet against the space heater and have a steaming cup of tea in the dimming twilight. ***Ahhhhhhh***


  1. snowpeas

    Brrrrrrrrr!! Now THAT’s COLD!!! Your two pictures say it all!!!! I love the happy ending where your feet are near the heater and the hot tea is in your hands :).

  2. Sasha

    Beautiful shots! I love how quiet it is outside, everyone is inside and it’s like a different city out there. Magical!

  3. Lindsey

    Thanks Sasha! I love it when it snows, too. Adds a peacefulness to the city!

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