Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Happy Easter and spring and birthday and stuff and yeah.

yeah happy whatever.

Happy Easter! Did everyone have a good one? I had a birthday…and Easter happened…and I was sick through all of it! Way sick, since last Wednesday, when I hobbled into the doctor’s office and the nurses hooked me up with a couple hearty liters of IV fluid. Seems that it was back-to-back flu and another viral issue on top of that. My body just decided to fall apart there for a few days. But yesterday was a peaceful day in its own way. From bed, I enjoyed seeing out the window to the cloudy day outside, and later in the day, hearing rain falling on the roof. My dad remembers that I was born on a cold, rainy day, which is maybe why I love that weather so much.

In the morning, F and I stood by the window and watched the little kids doing their Easter egg hunt across the street at the church. And a couple times throughout the day I looked down and saw kids in the backseats of cars passing below, with their Easter baskets and stuffed bunnies. Sweet little scenes.

And a birthday package o’ goodies arrived from my aunt! It really cheered me up. Check it out: an intriguing tote bag handmade in the Amazon (love!!) and Divine chocolate-covered salted fudge — OMG!! — and a couple United Plant Savers herbal newsletters. Thanks Kate!!! ♥

Sick Easter-Birthday bedside cheer

I’m still sick, and three times a day, my antiviral makes me sicker. But I sure am thankful this week for: PRETZELS! POPSICLES! PERRIER!

I’ll be back to writing here hopefully soon. Talk to you then!

(Random!) I love petals on the sidewalk!


  1. snowpeas

    Happy Birthday! Though it didn’t go as planned and could have been happier, it looks like you made the best of that double “holiday!” Sending healing thoughts 🙂

  2. Sasha

    Oh no – Get Well Soon! And get lots and lots of rest.

    And Happy Birthday!! 🙂

  3. Lindsey

    Thanks Sasha! Yes, sleep is the #1 healer!!

  4. Lindsey

    Thanks for the birthday wishes Snowpeas!

  5. Taryn Kae Wilson

    Happy Birthday!

    Sorry you didn’t feel good, hope you are feeling better. Keep thinking of you, want to write you back, but I always want to set aside a lot of time to do it and that chunk of time doesn’t seem to happen all at once. One of these days!

  6. Lindsey

    Always great to hear from you Taryn!
    I know, time seems to be so, so scarce lately. It’s frustrating! Thinking of you lots, too!

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