Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Gratitude Sunday * July 10, 2011

Sunday’s a good day to remember what we’ve been grateful for over the past week, don’t you think? I’m joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition, and here’s my list:

– Summer evenings cooled off & refreshed by a thunderstorm, and cool enough to enjoy a cup of hot tea.

– The flexibility of my current moneymaking situation; it’s just right. And feeling proud of myself for creating this reality.

– Hearing thunder that’s so massive I can feel it in my body.

– RAIN! Oh wow have we gotten rain this week! 5 inches, about.

– A mood-boosting afternoon spent relaxing in a shady, lush, secluded area:

– A very productive day in the garden yesterday. I’m always amazed at how much work that garden is, and I feel good to have gotten almost everything done that I wanted to.

– A bonus crop of lettuce! The greatest thing — I’d picked it all a few weeks ago and didn’t get around to pulling out the roots. Meanwhile it’s been a couple weeks since I was at my garden, and have since finished up the last of my lettuce in the fridge. But when I went over yesterday it had all re-grown and now I have a big bag of lettuce again! Even better, this crop was blessedly aphid free!

– The cool-ish weather we’ve been experiencing thus far this year, meaning we’re still eating lettuce into July! Incredible. On the other hand, the hot-weather things like tomatoes are just meandering along, but at least the cool weather stuff is lasting a good long time. How nice.

– Digging a few new potatoes. Like panning for gold! And the taste of garden-fresh potatoes is pretty amazing.

– A dutch oven my mom scored at the thrift store for me!! I’ve been after a dutch oven for a couple years now, and she looks for one every time she’s there. Cast-iron cookware is usually snatched right up at the thrift store. But the other day she came home with the holy grail! I’m so excited about it because it’s so old and it’s the perfect size and it’s in good condition (just needs cleaning), and it was only $10! It reminds me of a witches’ cauldron. I’m far more thrilled with this dusty old treasure than I ever would be with a gleaming new one!!

– A really nice morning spent with Hubby at our botanic gardens; I loved it. Actually I was playing with his fancy camera, taking lots of pictures, only to come home and see that they turned out to be terrible and I obviously don’t know how to use the camera. I was so disappointed that I almost cried. And then I realized that if the only thing I have to cry about in life right now is a crop of shitty pictures, then I think I’m doing pretty well. 😉 That hasn’t always been the case, so I’m grateful when life just feels regular…with everyone generally happy and healthy and just doin’ their thing, with only small disappointments here and there.

– Getting 5 loads of laundry done today!

– Feeling cozy inside when it’s pouring rain.

– Tea. It’s so comforting.


What are you grateful for this week? Leave a comment!



  1. Taryn Kae Wilson

    I LOVE thunderstorms!
    Your garden looks gorgeous.
    All your food pics look delicious!
    Awesome dutch oven!
    (I could keep going, I really enjoyed your list.)

    Love you!

  2. Evi

    Lucky that you have rain this time of year!
    Here in Athens is piping hot with temperatures up to 92 F!
    We do not usually get any rain during July and August to cool us down, but we do get mouthwatering watermelons 🙂

  3. snowpeas

    Now THAT’s a serious dutch oven!!!! Congrats on finally scoring one! It looks like just the right one made it’s way to your house :). Wow, and just LOOK at that gorgeous garden!!

  4. Lindsey

    Hi Evi! Yeah, we don’t usually get rain either this time of year. That’s why it’s so special! We feel very lucky to have it.

    Snowpeas, I LOVE this dutch oven!!!!!!!!!

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