Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Gratitude Sunday * July 24, 2011

Sunday’s a good day to remember what we’ve been grateful for over the past week, don’t you think? I’m joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition, and here’s my list:

– Feeling so glad that this 7-year marker of Sonja’s death was the easiest one yet. Feeling the scar fading and smoothing over. Remembering the sweetness of our friendship without being clouded by pain and grief.

– Housesitting for a night at my parents’ house. Sitting outside on the grass next to my vegetable garden at 6:30 on this quiet Sunday morning. Feeling the cool, fresh newness of the morning…and just being outside in a private yard.

Feeling a very deep soul need to have that experience be a part of each and every day…feeling such an intense, ever-increasing desire to make that happen by getting our own land and finally doing this dream of ours. But I also feel a deep sadness that doing our dream will mean uprooting and letting go of and moving away from the house I grew up in, letting go of my beloved gardens, and of the comforting and familiar neighborhood surroundings. I feel so groundless at the moment…both needing to stay and needing to go. It’s a feeling that just kinda makes me want to cry.

It also reminds me of the quote by Anais Nin, “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

Just waiting for some clarity on this issue. It’s one that’s been front and center this past week especially, and I’ve been feeling quite down about it.

(Know anyone who’s selling their acreage?? Maybe with a house on it…some fruit trees…room for gardens……..EDIT: And somewhere near the ocean!!) 😉

– Getting through this week. In addition to the above, it’s been a really difficult week physically since I’ve been feeling very poorly. Hoping for a change & some clarity with that issue as well.

– And phew, after all THAT… just remembering to raise my vibration, get out of the doldrums, and see the JOY instead of the fear! Remembering that it will all work out, and that usually the fear of the change is so much worse than the change itself. And also, remembering that my life is charmed. It always has been, why would it suddenly cease to be so? Everything will work out, in ways more magical than I can imagine.

– Remembering, too, to take small steps. Small changes, spread over time. As a baby, I walked before I crawled…and now, still, I forget to pace myself, and then end up getting really overwhelmed. I have to, uh, not do that.

…and here are some other gratitudes from my week…

– Marveling at my garden’s busy, busy airspace, full of beneficial bugs doing their beneficial thing!

– Being home. Glorious home.

– Sitting outside in my “stair garden” in the mornings and reading my Mother Earth News.

– Hearing the first crickets and cicadas of summer.

– Eating watermelon with my 81-year-old neighbor Margaret on her back porch, in yesterday’s perfect summer evening. Relaxing and talking till it got dark.

– My Hubby. His courage to stand up and fight against something that’s not right. His courage to rock the boat when no one else will. And also hoping the stress of that will ease up for him…

– Visiting with my mom and dad tonight; hearing about their little getaway…and being so grateful to have them close by.

– Hanging out with my cat this weekend! We share a very special bond…

Knowing that the most important thing in life is the people. Everything else is pretty much just details.

Baby celery from my garden

Hawk moth -- so artsy!


What are you grateful for this week? Leave a comment!



  1. Tammi Hoerner

    Hey there, thank you for the gratitude notes. I love this space and reading your blog.
    IF you ever want to move to CO, we have 35 acres, a nice home, a barn, a woodshop, on the Eastern Plains. We have established a gardening space…and more. I’d be open to selling. We love it here, have been here for 12 years, but are ready for change.
    blessings to you.

  2. Trish

    Wow, lovely gratitudes. Love the hawk moth.
    Much love.x

  3. Lindsey

    Hi Tammi, I’m so glad to know you love my blog! Thank you!!
    Heehee, in fact we’re already in Colorado, and looking to move away from here! We’d like a more lush setting, and I should’ve mentioned — someplace by an ocean!
    However your setup on 35 acres sounds wonderful. (But definitely know what you mean about being ready for a change. Where’s YOUR dream location?)

    Thanks for leaving me a note!
    All the best,

  4. Lindsey

    Yeah cool hawk moth huh!! Those things are so awesome! They’re really laid back unlike other bugs. You can get up so close to them and they don’t care.

    I love your gratitude list and your This Moment photo! Sweet 🙂

  5. Taryn Kae Wilson

    Hi Lindsey!
    Your gratitude lists always brighten my day. 🙂
    I keep hoping that you will decide to move to Oregon so we can live closer to each other. It’s lush here. We are close to the ocean. We have a moderate climate that I think you would LOVE! And you could still be close enough to CO to visit. 🙂 I know you guys talk about leaving the US, but I still hope you’ll be close by. 🙂

    I love what you said about the fear of change being worse than the change itself. So very true!
    “Everything will work out in ways more magical than I can imagine.” I love that!
    Your garden pictures are gorgeous.
    I like reading Mother Earth News too.
    I also appreciate Jeff’s courage to rock the boat, it can be hard to stand up for your truth sometimes. Good job to your hubby! It’s great he has your support to back him up, it makes things easier when you have the backup.
    I love what you said about the most important thing in life being the people.
    Okay, I guess I love it all. 🙂

    Love you!

  6. Lindsey

    You are the sweetest ever, Taryn!
    Oregon calls to me! Yes it does…. and I think the climate sounds great where you are…especially as I write this in 90+ degree heat. We’ll see where we end up…it’ll be the perfect place, I’m sure, wherever it is.

    Much love right back to you!!!!
    Your gratitudes always brighten my day, too. I love Gratitude Sunday 🙂


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