Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Gratitude Sunday * August 21, 2011

Sunday’s a good day to remember what we’ve been grateful for over the past week, don’t you think? I’m joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition, and here’s my list:

– A new, lighter feeling these past couple weeks. Feeling really excited to wake up each morning because of all the things I want to get started on! Can I just tell you how good this feels?! Have you been feeling a little lighter too?

– Eating so well out of my garden. My garden food makes me so happy.

– The luxury of being able to have a quiet week with no obligations, no have-tos. Actually as I write this, I realize it’s no accident. A luxury, oh my yes, but very much engineered. In order to get to this space I’m in now, there was lots of hard work & hard thinking, shuffling and hemming and hawing and vacillating, saving money, and then finally mustering my courage to take action around my job dissatisfaction. And I’m so grateful to be reaping the rewards of all that now.

– Watching a dragonfly hunting bugs in the evening light; turns out they are agile, lightning-quick bug-snarfing machines!!

– Doing my mending while finally watching my “Creating Your Space of Love” DVD that I bought at an excellent Anastasia workshop a couple years ago. Have you heard of the Anastasia series (by Vladimir Megré)? It’s quite something. Far out, and I love it. The workshop was incredible, too. I took lots of notes, and maybe someday I’ll post them to this blog.

– Ripping through lots of library books! It’s been a hang-low, not-feeling-well week…and I’ve been outside reading a lot in the beautiful summer breezes.

– Clean(er) house!

– Mending favorite things rather than buying new ones…and looking around to see what I can use to make a new laundry bag instead of buying a new one.

– Feeling as though I’ve gotten a really important bit of divine assistance this week. All I can think is “thank you thank you thank you.”

– Forgotten, long-buried creative impulses beginning to bubble to the surface again!

– Having my Hubby to go through life with. And how much he makes me laugh!!! (I think I said this last week. Ah well it bears repeating.)

– Having a nice break from the computer, and then coming back again to post this Gratitude Sunday list.

– Having a wonderful evening visit with my folks last night, sitting out in the perfect air, chatting until past 10pm with crickets and cicadas all around.

– Washing the scum off our shower curtain; heehee, it’s the little things… (at least the scum was a pretty pink though).

– Alone time. We all need alone time…

– That my body, in its wisdom, tells me what would be good to eat. I love how I don’t have to wonder…how it just lets me know. It’s very certain!

– A long nap on a blanket in the grass today.


What blessings have you appreciated throughout your week? Leave a comment!



  1. Trish

    Such a lovely list. I can relate to each of them.
    Much love to you.

  2. Lindsey

    Thanks Trish! Much love to you, too!

  3. Taryn Kae Wilson

    Hi Lindsey,
    What a gift to check my e-mail and see a comment from you and then to read your Gratitude List.
    Hooray for that lighter feeling! Although today it’s overcast and I feel so tired and sleepy! All I want to do is nap. 🙂 We have been going going going so I think I need to regenerate a little so I’ll get my energy back.
    I want to see more pictures of your garden. 🙂
    A quiet week with no obligations…wonderful! I hope you find some answers soon about what’s been going on with your body. In the meantime, I’m so glad you’re spending time taking it easy outside and have time to yourself to heal. You deserve it.
    I’ve read a little of the Anastasia series and enjoyed them. I only had part of the set and loaned it out, I’m waiting to get it back so I can keep reading. I’d love for you to share your notes from the workshop, that would be fun.
    Mending things- awesome!
    I’m curious about your divine assistance. 🙂

    Okay, this is too funny- I could write about everything you have on your list. I love your perspective.
    What foods has your body been wanting you to eat?

    Thinking of you. Wish you lived closer so we could hang out, but grateful we are friends even from a-far. 🙂

    Love, Taryn

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