Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Gratitude Sunday * August 28, 2011

Sunday’s a good day to remember what we’ve been grateful for over the past week, don’t you think? I’m joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition, and here’s my list:

– That we’re not in the path of a hurricane. I feel like I’m going through an “inner” hurricane but, oh, I think going through an actual physical one would just completely put me over the edge. My heart goes out to all of you having to deal with that real, live, looming hurricane.

– Limping my way through the latter part of this week, and hopefully onto a better week ahead. I must’ve jinxed it when I said I was feeling so much lighter last week!

– Remembering, as I write this, to choose love over fear — and then immediately feeling lighter. Why is it so hard to remember this when we’re in crisis??

– Also remembering to not resist what is. When we resist, we suffer. After I’ve exhausted myself going round and round in my head, it’s a relief to finally give up and accept.

– Eating a bell pepper straight off the stalk. And then a tomato with basil. And then celery… and pretty soon I’ve had lunch in my garden!

– A flower in the bathroom.

– Going into the beautiful, tempting Whole Foods store and leaving without buying one single thing. Self restraint can feel so satisfying.

– Going swimming on Thursday morning with my mom at our friend’s apartment building’s warm indoor pool. That was so fun!

– Watching Annie Hall (1977) on Friday night after both Hubby and I each had a horror of a day. It felt so great to laugh!

– My garden cucumbers. And how they’re flooding in right now when I need them most; when my tummy is delicate and finicky, often the only thing I want to eat is cucumbers with vinegar, salt, and pepper. It feels so good to nourish my body with my own stuff.

– Organic raspberries on sale at the store.

– Magazines. Sometimes there’s nothing like a magazine. Few words, lots of pretty pictures, and inspiration. I turned some frequent flier miles into subscriptions to Sunset and Coastal Living last year, and have been enjoying those so much more than I thought! I find myself grabbing for them more often than my (beloved) Mother Earth News, cause sometimes I just don’t feel like turning on my brain and learning something, and instead want to feast my eyes and imagination. I love sitting outside in my stair garden in the evening, with tea and one of those magazines.

– Music on my MP3 player and how it can calm me down and bring me back to Earth at 2:30 in the morning after a terrible dream.

– Returning completed library books. There’s something really satisfying about that!

– Enjoying the last of summer, but also welcoming the subtle hints of fall.


What blessings have you appreciated throughout your week? Leave a comment and let us know!




  1. Trish

    Bless you. I love to read your gratitude list, they are so heartfelt and real. And beautiful photos! Much love.

  2. Lindsey

    Thank you so much for that comment Trish, that warms my heart 🙂 Many blessings right back to you!!!

  3. Deborah

    You and F. are very much loved by all of us here. May this week delight you with beauty and with a feeling that all is well. By the way, I finally made your Spanakopita (aka “spankatopia” around here) and it turned out delicious. Thank you very much for the recipes, for your amazing photos, tips on managing the garden of life and, of course, for you.

  4. snowpeas

    Ditto what Trish said!
    My best wishes for your inner hurricane letting up and moving on just like the real one.
    I love your mention of how magazines are so good for when you just don’t feel like turning your brain on and learning something–same for me! <3<3

  5. Taryn Kae Wilson

    Inner hurricanes can feel so healing after the fact. The during part is the hard part, huh?
    I really love reading everything you write. I love what you said about stop resisting. I keep getting the same message too. When I surrender, I can relax. When I resist, my whole body is so tense. (and then I get headaches.)

    Lunch in your garden sounds fantastic!

    A funny movie after a hard day can really work wonders!

    Sometimes when my tummy is finicky, I want bone broth. Sometimes blueberries. Cucumbers sound like just the thing for that. Your cucumbers are huge!

    I go in spurts of wanting to soak up all the knowledge I can in books. Then I want something lighthearted. Magazines with beautiful pictures can be so relaxing.

    I’ve been having pretty crazy dreams lately and sometimes it’s really hard to fall back asleep. And I sure need all the sleep I can get these days!

    Wishing you a much lighter week this week! May it be filled with lots of laughter.

    Love you!

  6. Lindsey

    Deb, Thank you so much for your loving comment; I keep meaning to email you, and most certainly will! I’m glad the spankatopia turned out!!!! HAH!
    MUCH LOVE!!!!!!

  7. Lindsey

    Snowpeas, thanks so much, and I also hope the inner hurricane lets up and moves on. It’s no fun. Yeah, those magazines are great aren’t they! Just right sometimes.
    Lots o’ LOVE!

  8. Lindsey

    Hi Taryn,
    You’re so right, after you make your way thru the hurricane it’s very cleansing. I’ve experienced that before, too, and hope this one’s the same.

    I’m the same way, I’ve just gotten done with lots of books and want something light right now, to feed my eyes and not so much my brain at the moment 🙂

    I hope you have a fun and restful week ahead!!
    So much love,

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