Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Movie Time! Garden Tour + Afternoon Thunderstorm

I was relaxing over at my parents’ house yesterday after a meeting, and decided to take you on a little garden tour! In addition to the utterly scintillating subject matter, the tour features two bonus soundtracks — Ambulance Siren and Thunder:


And here’s the rainstorm that had just happened right before the tour!



  1. Trish

    Thank you for the tour. That is a lovely productive garden you have and what a beautiful voice also!
    Love, love

  2. Lindsey

    Why thank you Trish! Your comments always warm my heart 🙂 One of these days I really need to figure out how to leave a comment on your blog!!! For some reason I can’t…
    Wonderful to hear from you….

  3. b

    luscious…that is the word that comes to mind. The rain made it more green and beautiful! Thank you for the tour 🙂

  4. Lindsey

    Luscious! A perfect word for after the rain…this sure is a lush and green year for us.

  5. Deborah

    Thanks so much for the garden tour! I found myself wishing for a rainstorm to break the heat, and a small rainstorm came our way last night. Yay for rain, cooler weather and your lovely movies! love and hugs, Deb

  6. Taryn Kae Wilson

    Oh goody a tour! I want to watch these, but Bracken is asleep. Need to remember to come back. 🙂

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