Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Gratitude Sunday * September 18, 2011

Sunday’s a good day to remember what we’ve been grateful for over the past week, don’t you think? I’m joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition, and here’s my list:

– Hubby staying home from work on Monday of this week. It was so nice to have him home!

– Getting most of my fall garden seeds planted. YAY! I’m happy to have this finally done!

– The heating pad — sometimes it’s just the right thing isn’t it.

– September in Colorado. These are the best days of the entire year!

– Lying outside in the sun on the grass today! The weather was perfect. Sunny, clear, not a single cloud, and 74 degrees.

– Tea & a nice chat with my mom on a rainy, cloudy, fallish day, midweek.

– Night rain.

– Harvesting 9 more pounds of wild grapes to be made into fruit leather!

– Nurses. Have you ever noticed that, on the whole, they’re just some of the sweetest, nicest people ever?

– Having some very rare near-normal energy for part of the day yesterday, and taking full advantage of it by doing lots of errands with my hubby on our bikes, in absolutely gorgeous weather!

– Looking through some old photo albums at my parents’ house this week; I love doing this. It’s really grounding and I love the memories that are evoked. And the laughter!! The things we did, and the clothes we wore, always make me laugh. This, for instance. It’s me, in my nightgown, sawing at the kitchen table. Why?? That’s a very good question…

– That although we live in a 3rd floor attic apartment, I can still kinda be outside by sitting on the ledge of our screenless window with my feet on the roof slope. I call it my balcony. It’s not…at all…a balcony…but hey I’ll take it!

– Watching my lobelia seedlings flourish. The teeny tiny seeds arrived in one of those neato seed postcards…all the way from Alaska when my aunt visited there a couple months ago. I hope they do this well once I bring them inside for the winter!

– Feeling much more grounded & emotionally stable after an absolutely hellish first part of the week. Gah!!

– The smell of lavender essential oil and how it calms me down immediately when I take deep breaths of it straight from the bottle.

– All of you who read my blog, and leave me such sweet, supportive comments! Thank you.


What blessings have you appreciated throughout your week? Leave a comment and let us know!



  1. Trish

    A lovely list. I like what you said about nurses! I’m a nurse!
    I love night rain too. I also love looking through old photos, oh the memories.I also love lavender, isn’t it wonderfully calming.
    Much love.

  2. Lindsey

    You’re a nurse…Well then there’s further proof!!!!! They are really some of the most angelic people I’ve ever interacted with.

    Much love to you too,

  3. Kate

    I knew those lobelia seeds were going into good hands. The plantlings can’t help but flourish in your home filled with love and laughter; and when you are feeling low, they will perk you up until you feel strong again.
    I love the memory picture of little you in your nightgown and the mental picture of you on your window ledge balcony.
    Holding you in the Light and sending Love.

  4. Taryn Kae Wilson

    Love your list again! 🙂

    Lavender oil always calms me too.
    I love the picture of you when you were little. So precious!
    I love it all!

    Thank you for the messages you leave on my blog. Your support means the world to me!


  5. Lindsey

    Hi Kate!
    I’m so thrilled that those teeeeeny tiny seeds DID grow! I wasn’t sure if they would… they were just so tiny and fragile-looking, and took a long time to germinate. But germinate they did! How cool to have a living souvenir of your trip to Alaska!

    Thank you so very much for your love and light… that is so appreciated, especially right now.
    And sending so much love and light right back to you….

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