Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Gratitude Sunday * November 13, 2011

Sunday’s a good day to remember what we’ve been grateful for over the past week, don’t you think? I’m joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition, and here’s my list:

– Purging a drawer of clothes — I was surprised at how much I gave away, and it felt fantastic!! Now I just need to get to the thrift store to get a couple new staples; looking forward to some new things in my wardrobe! I hate clothes shopping and have been wearing the same things for so long… it’ll be fun to see some new stuff.

– Feeling a little more caught up; I hate feeling so sick and yet knowing there are mountains of things waiting to be done. Feeling like I’ve got a better handle on moneymaking work, household stuff, and projects makes me very happy.

– Getting out and about more this week; making it a priority. Being extra attuned to my mood and getting out of the apartment when I begin to feel that sinking, trapped feeling. Even if I don’t feel well physically, and have to ‘pay for it’ later, it’s worth it for my mental health and spirit. And when our spirits are strong, we heal better.

– A better week, physically. Still mega sick, but not that awful, crushing fatigue of last week.

– Doing some wonderfully normal things this week! Like going to a play with my dad and my Hubby (mom was out of town) — that was SO fun, just the three of us! I loved it. And going to a holiday boutique with my mom and meeting Hubby for lunch one day. Doing normal stuff is such a spirit-lifter!

– My mom making a special trip to our apartment to pick me up one afternoon and take me to their house so I could lie outside in the sunshine. I was very very unwell, and sinking fast and feeling trapped; that trip to their house was the perfect thing. I am so lucky to have the support around me that I do; I never realized what a “support system” was, exactly, or how important it is. Actually, how essential it is.

– Lying outside that afternoon, in their yard in the sun, on the earth next to my gardens. Watching the warm wind whipping leaves off the trees and carrying them through the air like confetti.

– Getting my moneymaking work done on Monday so that I had the rest of the week free. I love when I don’t procrastinate!

– Youtube! I’m so grateful for Youtube. To learn a new skill, I no longer need to search out a local class, sign up for it, pay for it, wait a month or two for it to occur, hope it doesn’t get cancelled due to low enrollment, and then after the class forget what exactly it was that the teacher said. I no longer have to go to the library, hoping they have a book to walk me through the process…finding out they don’t, then putting one on hold and waiting for it to arrive, and then try to make sense of the poorly written instructions. With Youtube, I can now learn pretty much any new skill I can think of, at any hour, right in my living room, for free! I can replay the video as many times as I need to…pausing when I need to…in order to learn it fully. And in a couple weeks’ time, when I forget exactly how it went, I can watch the video again! What an incredible invention. I really appreciated it this week; and the internet in general.

– Watching some TED talks one evening with Hubby, then watching a beautiful BBC program about artic wildlife. It was fun to just vege out and be entertained.

– A great bikeride with Hubby yesterday. Such pretty weather, and we rode to our favorite health food store that we haven’t been to in quite a while. It felt good to be out riding together.

– Lots of laughter in our house!


What blessings have you appreciated throughout your week? Leave a comment and let us know!



  1. Taryn Kae Wilson

    Your list brought joy to my heart!

    Where to start? I want to comment on so many things!

    I love getting rid of clothes too, it feels fantastic. And adding a few thrifted finds is so fun.

    Feeling a little more caught up… ahh! nice big sigh. love that!

    I love what you said about healing faster when our spirits are strong! so true! I’ve been feeling a need to get outside more too. This time of year I’m inside so much more and I crave the exercise and fresh air.

    Praise to support systems! Jeff, Bracken and my mom have been my constant support system lately and I’m so so grateful.

    getting money work done on Monday- awesome!

    Youtube is wonderful! I need to look up a video on how to knit sweaters, when I’m ready to start. 🙂

    Love all you wrote~!

    Thanks for the comments you leave on my blog! I’m so grateful to know you too.

    Happy Sunday to you!
    Love, Taryn

  2. Aja

    I love this list 🙂 I too love youtube for all its taught me!

  3. Trish

    Your parents and hubby sound so lovely.
    I enjoyed reading your list..I’ve had no computer this week and was really wanting to leave a comment to say hope you have a good week this week.
    The BBC certainly do make wonderful wildlife documentaries.
    Much love.

  4. Lindsey

    Thanks Trish, and much love back to you! It sounds like you have your computer back, yay!

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