Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit


Except in storybooks, you don’t really hear about nightcaps much, do you? But if you’re a cold sleeper like I am, they’re so helpful! I began wearing one to bed during the winter a couple years ago, and couldn’t believe the difference it made! So I wear one each night and stay a lot warmer now.

Do you ever wear a nightcap to bed on cold winter nights?



  1. Deborah

    I wear one when I’m camping and it get’s cold out. When it gets really cold I also fill a Nalgene with boiling water and put it in the bottom of my bag.

  2. Jamie

    Re Nightcaps – Hi Lindsey, I’ve only been following you for about 2 months. Does your husband play for one of the local Colorado rugby teams or are you an All Black fan yourself?

  3. Lindsey

    What an excellent idea, Deborah, to use a nalgene bottle as a hot water bottle! I would never that thought of that, but LOVE the idea!
    Blessings to you,

  4. Lindsey

    Hi Jamie! Nice to meet you!
    How perceptive you are! 😀 I lived in New Zealand for a little while, and so naturally I’m an All-Black fan, heehee! Nobody in the family plays rugby, though.
    Take care,

  5. Trish

    Night caps, what a great idea…keeps you so snug at night.

  6. Taryn Kae Wilson

    I never thought of wearing a night cap. Jeff sleeps best when he has a hood on. 🙂

  7. Deb

    Sometimes my head gets so cold at bedtime that I wear my husband’s cap from the high school where he teaches. Otherwise I have to pull the covers over my head, which only works briefly because I have to come back out for fresh air. Yay for nightcaps! They make falling asleep so much easier on cold nights.

  8. Lindsey

    Hi Deb!
    Heehee, I know what you mean about pulling the covers up tight, but then having to come back out for fresh air! 😀 Why did nightcaps ever go out of style?? They’re so practical!
    Love to you,

  9. Jane

    I have resorted to a night cap in very cold situations like camping, but as the temps get colder, I find that socks on my feet are more of a necessity if I think I want to fall asleep!

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