Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Gratitude Sunday * January 29, 2012

~ Iโ€™m once again joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition. ~

Gratitude Sunday is a time to slow down and remember those thankful moments that graced our week. One reason I love keeping a daily gratitude journal is because it helps keep things in perspective for me. Each Sunday, I open my journal and share some of those moments with you here. If youโ€™d like to join in, just leave a comment!

Gratitude is powerful energy. I love hearing othersโ€™ gratitudes!


– A wonderful visit and walk with my mom on Monday afternoon. We have both liberated ourselves from our jobs, and one of the many benefits is that we can do stuff together in the middle of a weekday! I cannot tell you how freeing that feels… how good that feels for my spirit, after years upon years of feeling like a trapped animal at either school or work.

– Not carrying the stress of my former job that would follow me around like Pigpen’s cloud of dirt, whether I was at the job or not. Putting my precious energy into my own things now. For me, not feeling trapped in any way is essential to my happiness. It feels good to honor that fact instead of fighting against it and attempting to stuff myself into the conventional box of “a 9-5 worker.”

– Consciously doing whatever is needed in the moment to raise the energy & mood of my day from bad to good.

– Using the last of the garden tomatoes (!) to make a delicious rainbow salsa.

– Working from home again. There was a 2-month break which was great, where I could concentrate on my own things rather than just on my moneymaking work. I was grateful for that break, and now I’m grateful to be working again. The work is challenging which I like, and those every-2-week paychecks through the mail are A-OK too!!

– Not needing to go anywhere on a snowy day this week.

– More purging and giving away of things not needed anymore. I love the feeling of paring down.

– Slowly regaining my taste for tea. I totally lost my taste for any and all tea for a couple months there, and I feared it was permanent! Thankfully not! I do love tea, the comfort and taste and ritual of it.

– Roasted veggies. I’m on a roasted veggie kick; they are so delicious, I can’t believe I’d forgotten about them for so long.

– A dream one night of being at an enormous incredible buffet, and filling my plate with all these wonderful things that looked delicious to me, and not having to think at all about how they would settle in my stomach! My tummy is still very finicky and I’m getting awfully weary of that. Being ever so careful about what I put into it, and the amounts… I’m so over it. The dream was so telling! No hidden symbolism there… haha!

– Eating a whole tin of smoked oysters one day, and keeping them down. Yay! I appreciate when my body accepts the nourishing foods that I like to eat. (It doesn’t always.)

– Clear streets and warm weather on a day I needed to run lots of errands on my bike. It made that day flow so much more smoothly.

– Watching such a fun movie last night, Woody Allen’s Manhattan Murder Mystery. I sure needed that — what fun!

– Hearing the sweet little birds singing outside the window as I write this. That’s a spring sound! I’m not quite ready for winter to end, but I know when spring comes, I’ll be ready. Time to begin planning the garden!! Maybe today or tomorrow…


What gratitudes have graced your week?




  1. Taryn Kae Wilson

    Hello sweet Lindsey!

    So nice to connect with you for our weekly Gratitude Sunday. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Oh yes, it’s so nice to have a flexible working schedule. I am SO grateful to work from home, even though getting the bills paid can be a lot more stressful that way. It’s worth it.

    Love cozy home days!

    Getting rid of stuff is the best! Feels so good to have a clean and organized space (which is definitely not the case around here right now- haha.)

    Roasted veggies are so good. Look forward to having an oven again someday, but a crock pot works for now. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Love your buffet dream! Jeff would be in heaven if he had that dream… he really really likes buffets.

    I love that you run errands on your bike. That is so wonderful.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE to you!!

    Miss you too. I need to e-mail you back soon.

    Love, Taryn

  2. erin

    Hello Lindsey! Nice list!
    I love the freedom of quitting a job that doesn’t serve you anymore!
    here’s a song for you! “I quit my job” by old man ludecke!

    I also go in and out of loving things like tea and roasted veggies! Its such a good suprize when you realize what you’ve been missin!

    oh and here’s my list:


  3. Evi

    I’m also a big tea addict Lindsey!
    What kind of teas do you like?
    I remember that once you mentioned Russian Caravan so I bought some to give it a try but I could not keep it down ๐Ÿ™‚
    If you were closer I’d send you the rest of it!
    I love strong black teas such as Assam, English Breakfast and Irish Breakfast. I hate green and white, but I love aromatic herbal teas. If you do as well check out a friend’s site, she prepares the most wonderful and aromatic teas ever!

  4. Lindsey

    Hi Erin,
    Thanks for the cute video, and congratulations on your new librarian job! That sounds FUN!!!!!!

  5. Lindsey

    Hi Evi,
    Heehee, too bad about the Russian Caravan! I do love its smokiness, but it’s not for everyone, for sure ๐Ÿ™‚
    I love black teas, Pu ‘erh tea, and herbal teas; I don’t do that much green or white tea either.
    Wildroot Botanicals looks amazing!!!

    Hope you are well,

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