Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Gratitude Sunday * March 11, 2012

~ I’m once again joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition. ~

Gratitude Sunday is a time to slow down and remember those thankful moments that graced our week. One reason I love keeping a daily gratitude journal is because it helps keep things in perspective for me. Each Sunday, I open my journal and share some of those moments with you here. If you’d like to join in, just leave a comment!

Gratitude is powerful energy. I love hearing others’ gratitudes!


– Feeling good and accomplishing so much in the garden this week! Feeling much more caught up and on track with everything that needs to be done out there.

– Having the time to work in the garden. How wonderful to be able to go over on weekdays and work in the garden instead of being tied up at a job.

– The $1 produce grab bags that our local health food store puts out. Sometimes the produce is still almost perfect!

– Making applesauce with delicious $1-bag apples.

– Free produce scraps for our compost heap!

– Beautiful weather for working outside this week.

– All of my loved ones!!!

– Taking control of a day where I felt melancholy and in a funk, and turning it around into a wonderful day. I love it when I can manage to do that.

– Remembering to have patience by repeating to myself, “That’s okay, I can wait” — and feeling a calm come over me when I say those words. While waiting for a slow car to make up its mind, “That’s okay, I can wait.” When I’ve just missed the bus and have to wait for the next one, “That’s okay, I can wait.” And while waiting for my body to heal more and more, I’m trying my best to say “That’s okay, I can wait.” (That one’s harder!)

– Roasted vegetables without any oil; both my body and taste buds like them better this way. I love roasted vegetables so much!

– Napping outside in the sun yesterday. Bliss. With the sun warming and relaxing my body like that, I felt like I was soaking in a hot spring!

– Going to a “sound bath” of crystal bowls, gongs, and didgeridoos with my mom; that was fantastic! What a cool experience.



What gratitudes have graced your week?



  1. Trish

    Would love to have heard that ‘soundbath’…bet it was wonderful.
    Love your list Lindsey.
    Much love to you.

  2. Taryn Kae Wilson

    Hi Lindsey!!
    Love your list!
    I love what you commented about parallel gratitudes each week. I know just what you mean, it’s wonderful how that works.

    I love hearing about all you’ve accomplished in the garden- that’s awesome! I haven’t accomplished much in the garden yet, Jeff has mostly been doing it all. My times out there have been keeping my eye on Bracken the whole time. 🙂
    I turned my head away for a moment because I wanted to take a picture and in that split second he was trying to pull up a garlic plant. He’s so quick.

    I liked what you said about turning a funk day into a good day. I had a day where I was in a funk and turned it around at the end of the day, thank goodness. It’s not fun being in a funk, but it’s a good teacher to let me know when I need some more self-love.

    I love your saying “That’s okay, I can wait.”
    Usually Bracken falls asleep for his naps so easily, but I’ve had some days where he has been not wanting to take his nap. I rely on his nap time to regenerate myself and have a little alone time. It’s been hard for me to be patient because I get so exhausted. I think if i repeat your mantra, it will help a lot. Thanks for that idea.

    That sound bath sounds lovely.

    Have a wonderful week.
    I’m grateful for our friendship.

    Love, Taryn

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