Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Month: July 2012 (Page 3 of 3)

Gratitude Sunday * July 8, 2012

~ I’m once again joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition. ~

Gratitude Sunday is a time to slow down and remember those thankful moments that graced our week. One reason I love keeping a daily gratitude journal is because it helps keep things in perspective for me. Each Sunday, I open my journal and share some of those moments with you here. If you’d like to join in, just leave a comment!

Gratitude is powerful energy. I love hearing others’ gratitudes!



– Packing, purging, consolidating. The editing of possessions. Clearing out the old so that there’s plenty of room for the new to manifest!

– Making an effort to connect with people more. I’m not especially outgoing, but feel that I want to reach out and open myself up a little bit more when I’m out and about in the world, rather than always remaining so closed to people I don’t know. A sort of social experiment, maybe. I think the world responds to us in turn, so that if we think it’s hostile and broken out there, it will be. And if we think it’s kind and magical out there, it will be.

So when an electrical company employee working near the back fence stopped to ask how my vegetables were doing, I (sensing he was genuine) decided to strike up a conversation. I love that you never know what you’ll find out when you scratch someone’s surface with a few questions. Had I tossed out a generic “they’re doing very well thank you” and continued digging my garlic, I wouldn’t have learned that he emigrated from Poland 30 years ago (my own heritage is part Polish) and that the correct pronunciation for kefir is “kehh-FEER” which his grandmother would make, or that one of his favorite snacks is to boil some small new potatoes, skin on, and then add a bit of butter and fresh dill — washed down with a cold glass of kefir or buttermilk (“It’s all you need”). And now I also know how to make Polish meat rolls with pickles and bacon, as well as the location of the best & cheapest Polish meat shop in the area. What fun! All because I decided to buck tradition and have a conversation with a complete stranger.

– This handy little gadget to hold a book open, freeing up both hands for the important work of cradling a cuppa.

– I’m also thankful for the book it’s holding open for me — Gift From The Sea. It’s another one that inspires me to keep simplifying. I often put the book aside so that I can go put a few more things into the giveaway pile~

– For rain!!! Colorado has been burning up, and we really needed rain.

– Being outside yesterday at 6am with a mug of tea. The freshness and the smell of early mornings after a night of rain is one of my favorite experiences on this earth.

– Blue jays calling. One of my favorite sounds. It reminds me of autumn, my favorite season.

– Looking at slides of my parents back in the ’70s and ’80s — glimpses into a seemly different lifetime altogether. Different friends, different cities, different hair, different clothes, yet somehow the same person. And running a slide show itself was a nostalgic trip back in time to my childhood when we’d “have a slide show!” the way other families might gather to watch a movie. Hearing the sound of the analog projector advancing to the next frame shoots me straight back 20 years. What with all the change in the air and the complete unknown of the future, some nostalgia can be really comforting.


What gratitudes have graced your life this past week?



Today, I am:

…enjoying that sweet bouquet of flowers plucked from the garden…

…noticing that Queen Anne’s Lace was probably not the best choice for an indoor bouquet because it’s dropping stuff all over the table…

…enjoying a very delicious breakfast salad of lettuce, green onions, cucumbers, avocado, and fresh pineapple, with salt and cracked pepper, lemon juice, orange juice, and balsamic vinegar…

…drinking a hot mug of pu-erh tea even though there’s 90-degree air breezing through the open window next to me…

…glad that Mountain Rose got pu-erh back in stock! I’ve missed it very much and just ordered more…

…noticing how good it feels to place an order the old fashioned way and send a check to Mountain Rose, instead of paying via credit card online…

…packing up treasures…

…taking time out to get re-inspired by this book, Lillian Too’s 168 Feng Shui Ways to Declutter Your Home. It gets me back into the mindset I like to be in when attacking piles of possessions: “Do I love this and absolutely want it? Does it pertain to who I am now?”

…looking at messes and piles that seem to breed in the night…

…glad that my Honey has the day off from work today; he deserves it…

…remembering that I have some soaked & solar-cooked quinoa in the fridge, waiting to be made into tabbouleh

…thinking it’s nearly time to close up the windows in favor of the comfort of our little air conditioner. It’s gonna be another hot one today…


♥ I hope you all have a relaxing holiday today ♥


Good things coming in!

Finally, the winds of change are arriving!

Literally, in fact — it’s been an unusually windy year. And finally, after feeling quite stuck for so long in situations that didn’t seem like they’d ever budge, they have.

First, our trip to Hawaii plopped itself into our laps — as things seem to do for me — very much out of the blue. Back at the beginning of the year I remember writing to my sister, half jokingly proclaiming that “After all this is done and I’m feeling better I need a flippin’ tropical vacation — like to Hawaii or somewhere benign where I can’t get sick again!” And holy cow, my poor hubby F needed a vacation even more badly than I did. And then a few months later, the chance offer to house-sit (in Hawaii, oh my!) arrived, perfectly timed, just as my big moneymaking project was wrapping up, I was really beginning to feel better, and coincidentally using up the exact number of vacation hours that F had saved up at his job.

We both knew we needed a vacation, but I don’t think we even realized how much we did until we got there. Both of our spirits had been running pretty darn ragged. I know at least for me, the utter enjoyment of our vacation — the nourishment my depleted spirit was receiving by being where I was, doing the things I was doing — made me do cartwheels and handstands and yelp for joy!

What a feeling of renewal. Of feeling so lighthearted again, so full of joy.

It drove home again, in a big way, that it’s excruciatingly important that you enjoy your life. Charles and Ray Eames, the famous American designers, said “Take your pleasure seriously.” There is such deep truth in that statement.


And this incredible trip to Hawaiian Paradise wouldn’t have even been possible had I not felt up for it. As you may remember (or can read about here), I’ve been really very sick. So sick. 🙁 But after almost 8 months of heavy-duty antibiotics (I still have a month left of one of them), I am so much better! SO much better, it’s amazing. Still not quiiiite 100%… still maybe not completely out of the woods… it’s possible that may not come for some time… hopefully it will come eventually, and the damage done will fade away… but well enough to travel all the way to Hawaii for three weeks. Which is huuuuuge! Previously when I was so ill, I couldn’t have even done one single night away. So there’s that — that is a gigantic good thing! I feel like I get to start reclaiming my life. (It might, if it wanted to, happen a little faster, but somehow I’m thinking that’s one of the many lessons embedded in this big whopping health disaster learning moment.)


And then — and this is so exciting! — we’re moving!!!! Not just moving, but moving into the urban oasis that is my folks’ house! (It’s also the house I occupied since the day I came home from the hospital.) It has my garden. It has a clothesline. It has an apple tree. It has my grandmother’s baby grand piano, so I’ll be able to play piano again any time I’d like. It has a beautiful front and back yard and luxurious porches — the private outdoor space my soul has been yearning so deeply for. It’s quiet!! So we won’t be hearing traffic noise every minute of every day. I also feel a lot safer in that neighborhood, so I can begin taking leisurely walks again without feeling uneasy. It’s closer to our favorite health food store, so we can start shopping there. It’s next door to Margaret, the wonderful neighbor who has been like a grandmother to me since we met over the fence that same day I came home from the hospital. It’s got some nice biking possibilities, which is particularly attractive to F. 🙂 And it’s 1400 square feet (3 bed/2 bath) — a big jump from the 650 sq ft (1 bed/1 bath) we have now. We really do go along perfectly well in 650… we really do… but I can’t deny that it’ll be a treat to have more space! There’s talk of a workout room… perhaps an art studio… we’ll see!

My parents are very ready for a change, ready to downsize and to not have a yard to care for, so they’ve gotten an apartment a few miles away. We’re all still not quite sure what our future plans look like, so we’re shifting around a bit in the mean time into something that suits us all better. It’s a temporary configuration, but one that’s so very right for where we all are at this moment in time.

I am so excited!! They’ll also be leaving behind some of their furniture that we can use if we want, so the place will feel less like a temporary college dorm setup and more like a real live home. Being a Taurus, making and keeping a home is a pleasure that sits deep within my bones. And my cat goes with the house, hehe, so we’ll have her there too!!

All of these good things!!!

I can’t sweep over the fact that life has felt very un-fun the past couple years. I’ve learned that when you’re that sick for that long, no matter how many people love and support you (I have many!), no matter how wonderful everything else might be, it’s ultimately a journey you must make alone. It’s your own journey and nobody else’s — no matter how dearly they desire to lighten your load out of love and concern for you. It’s also a very grave, lonely, and heavy journey. It’s hard. Immense. Inward. Dark. And incredibly depleting. Major, prolonged illness is not only depleting to your body, but also to your mind, heart, soul, spirit.

And as soon as you are able, you must do things to rebuild all those aspects of yourself, some of which may only be hanging on by a thread. I’ve mentioned it before, but when our spirits are strong, we heal better.

I’m not an apartment person. I can certainly make it work — and have — but there’s always the underlying “trapped animal” feeling. Some folks get along fine in apartments, and I’m not one of them. I prefer the earth beneath my feet, the privacy of my own yard or land, quietude, and no shared walls or floors with other families. And all that is coming… yahoooo! Good things are rollin’ in! Healing is taking place — first for my body, and now my spirit. Cheers to that~



Gratitude Sunday * July 1, 2012

~ I’m once again joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition. ~

Gratitude Sunday is a time to slow down and remember those thankful moments that graced our week. One reason I love keeping a daily gratitude journal is because it helps keep things in perspective for me. Each Sunday, I open my journal and share some of those moments with you here. If you’d like to join in, just leave a comment!

Gratitude is powerful energy. I love hearing others’ gratitudes!



– I’m so thankful for the most incredible trip we had to Hawaii. It was so renewing on so many levels. And FUN!!! Oh gosh. And so, so beautiful. I’ll share some pictures soon~

– The place where we house-sat. It was a gorgeous house that could be straight out of a magazine, on 3 acres, no visible neighbors, a wonderful organic garden, and a swimmable stream running through! OH man. I kept thinking, Can this be real?! You can see part of it up there in the top picture. That’s F lounging there, beneath one of the almost-daily rainbows! It was most truly a paradise. We soaked up every second of it.

– F and me, just being on vacation together. It was just so fun!

– For F doing all the driving; he’s such a good driver.

– Sleeping with plumerias around my head each night, and wearing them in my hair. Having their tropical scent around me. *sigh*

– Star gazing, and watching a meteor shower together at 2am, with the entire huge black sky and almost no light pollution.

– The tropical fruit! We ate gallons and gallons of tropical fruit — I had no idea a mango could be that fantastically delicious. And the papayas! I have never eaten fruit that delicious.

– That everything during our house-sitting time went so smoothly. Not one single thing went wrong; for that I am very thankful!

– Getting home safe and sound.

– No ants! In Hawaii, there are bugs. In your house. And lots and lots of ants. In your house. Leave one crumb, and very soon your counter has a pile of ants. I have a very new appreciation for Colorado being relatively bug-free! No ants… oh it’s so nice.

– The winds of change; they’ve been blowing good things in! More to come on that, too.

– Being surprised that I wasn’t too bummed to be home; I thought I would be. It does feel good to be home — although I do get pangs of longing for the home we stayed at and the fun times we had there!

– A special day today — my dad’s belated Father’s Day. Mom and I took him to lunch, then we went back to their house and opened presents from Hawaii which was really fun! I am so thankful for my dad. We share a deep bond. He’s just the very best and I love him so.

– Feeling optimistic. What a nice feeling that is — one I haven’t felt too much of these past couple years, truth be told.

– The little window air conditioner in our apartment. Because it has been very hot here!


What’s been on your gratitude list lately? Care to share?


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