Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Winter has returned!

The season has reasserted itself, and we got about a foot of snow on Sunday! It’s a fortunate thing, too, because winter was slipping through our fingers without much at all in the way of precipitation. I was getting ready to drag out the hoses and sprinklers but now thankfully I can put that off for a while yet.

Sunday was a lovely day of resting, reading, soup-eating, snow-ice-cream-making, enjoying the blizzard from inside our cozy warm house, and venturing out now and then to re-shovel the walkways.

And in typical Colorado fashion, yesterday, Monday, was a glorious sunny day. Not one single cloud anywhere. So I shoveled a tunnel to the clothesline and dried two loads of laundry outside. My grandma used to do that; she dried all the clothes of her household of nine (!) out on the line, even through the winter. She shoveled a walkway to the clothesline through the snow, for 46 Colorado winters, and didn’t get a dryer until she was in her 80s… but by then she was very sick, and never did get to use that new dryer. It’s just as well; my mom says she reckons my grandma loved every minute of the time spent outside hanging clothes, no matter the weather. I agree; there’s just something about hanging out the wash.

Then later in the afternoon when I was needing some birdsong in my ears, wind on my face, and sunshine in my eyes, I sat out on the sidewalk with some tea in my New Chair. I bought this fabulous chair, seemingly never used, at the thrift store for $4.99. I looked it up this weekend and it’s a $75 chair! (It’s a Howda seat.) It was one of those things I didn’t know I needed — as my mom says, “I’ll need it when I see it” — but it’s just perfect for one of the things I like doing most, which is to “sit awhile” in little random outdoor spots.

Today is another wintry, cloudy day with a little bit more snowfall. I love these days. But the shrinking band of winter sun through the south windows, and the increasing evening daylight means that Spring really isn’t very far off at all…



  1. Evi

    I love line drying my cloths as well no matter the weather, it’s a perfect excuse to go outside and enjoy some fresh air.
    I rarely use my drier and I cloth diaper my baby girl, so I have tons of laundry!

    We did not get any real snow this winter, but it was a very rainy one.
    I hope that we do get some in March, sometimes this happens even in Athens!

    Lots of love from Athens! xxx

  2. Trish

    Love your photos Lindsey. Love your chair too… what a fantastic find.
    Much love to you.

  3. Aja

    Oh I love those snowy AND sunny days – there are so magical. So wonderful for you to be out there enjoying it (and getting that nourishing vitamin D!! haha!)

  4. Taryn Kae Wilson

    That snow is so beautiful.
    And so glad you found a chair you love. Having a comfy place to sit outside (that’s mobile too) is great.
    I love hearing about your grandmother hanging her clothes out on the line.

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