Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Moving house

Moving (c) The Herbangardener

Yep, we have moved again. It’s such a breeze and so stress free, you know, we can hardly get enough!

This last year, circumstance dictated that my folks reclaim their home that we had been renting from them for the past three years, which meant we needed to find ourselves a new pad. Their house is where I grew up, so this homebody’s roots there run awfully, awfully deep–soaking up comfort and familiarity and cherished memories like precious life-giving droplets of water over these past few terribly challenging years. Difficult to pack up and go, you bet. Our move has blessedly been to a place just a couple hours “down the road,” so visits back are realistic and doable on a semi-frequent basis — which has been helpful for my heart which does not, alas, sway to the currents of logic or plan or situation, and does not apparently even realize that it’s actually their house and not mine at all. Helpful also in that I finally found some good doctors and I’m not, and I repeat not, in the mood to drop them and doctor shop in a new city right now. Commutes back for doctor appointments are softened by wonderful time spent with my family so this setup is working well, considering.

Going through the experience of a home purchase was new to both F and me. I would totally not recommend it. We’re lucky that we also did not have a house to sell at the same time! How do people do it?? We felt heroic for getting through it (applause especially to F) but wow, the stress was busting out the seams. Hopefully we will not have to buy, sell, or move again, ever, for the rest of our whole entire lives but if we do, I think it will definitely be easier the second time now that we’ve traced the learning curve.

We got really lucky with the place we found. And by lucky I mean that if we’d missed seeing the new Zillow listing by a single day, it would’ve been gone. And since we already had a contract on another house the realtor wasn’t sending us any new stuff so it was F that stumbled upon this one thanks to his persistent internet searching late into the night. We shudder now to think of ourselves at the first house we had the contract on! Instead, we lucked into a perfectly sized, solidly built 60’s house (we’re only the second owners!) on three irrigated acres. We wake up to meadowlarks and mountain vistas. It’s a special spot, as you’ll see:

Mowed pasture (c) The Herbangardener

Mowed pasture (c) The Herbangardener

Mowed pasture (c) The Herbangardener

(c) The Herbangardener

Tractor mowing the pasture (c) The Herbangardener

Wish this tractor were ours!

Tractor mowing the pasture (c) The Herbangardener

Green pasture (c) The Herbangardener

Green pasture (c) The Herbangardener

Sunset (c) The Herbangardener

(c) The Herbangardener

(c) The Herbangardener

(c) The Herbangardener

Clothesline (c) The Herbangardener

(c) The Herbangardener

Flood irrigation (c) The Herbangardener

Irrigatinggate pipe (c) The Herbangardener

Irrigation gated pipe (c) The Herbangardener

(c) The Herbangardener

(c) The Herbangardener

(c) The Herbangardener

(c) The Herbangardener



End of the rainbow (c) The Herbangardener

(c) The Herbangardener

(c) The Herbangardener

(c) The Herbangardener

(c) The Herbangardener

Winter dusk (c) The Herbangardener

Winter dusk (c) The Herbangardener

(c) The Herbangardener



  1. ed

    nice little post, GREAT photos (as usual) and what a find–that house and acreage. a lucky rabbit’s foot on that cat must have helped with finding your new place. congratulations!!

  2. Isabelle

    Glad to hear from you. Moves are never easy, glad you found your home spot with room to garden-planning an orchard or a vineyard? Great photos. stay well and keep gardening.

  3. snowpeas

    AWESOME pictures!! What a wonderful, lucky FIND! It couldn’t be better….I envy you the meadowlarks and mountain views and big sky! :D. I wish you the Best, with lots of love, in your new spacious place!

  4. Jane Ecclestone

    Thanks for the fun home tour Lindsey! Good to be able to picture you and F in your new nest. Lots of potential there and I’m sure you’ll do a great job of discovering them. Look forward to seeing the perfect unfoldment of your new path – a lucky piece of land to have you two as it’s caring stewards!

  5. Lindsey

    Thanks Jane, great to hear from you.
    Sending hugs your way.

  6. Lindsey

    Ed, Isabelle, and Snowpeas – thank you so much for your kind words. And for commenting 🙂

  7. Melissa

    Ah, I don’t visit for a while, and this is what happens. Beautiful place you found! Can’t think of more deserving people. Hope your health continues to look up!

    P.s. I’m working in a master’s degree, and discovered beta glucans over the summer in my research. They super boost the immune system, perhaps they could be helpful. Transfer Point seems to make the most potent 1,3 form. Seems to work best taken in the morning on an empty stomach — 500mgs per every 50 lbs of body weight.

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