Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Visualization, by Lindsey


Think of a time when you felt so free, so strong within yourself, where you were having the time of your life, completely in your element.


Close your eyes. Go there to that exact moment. Breathe it in and re-incorporate it into your being.

Breathe the YOU in that moment…into yourself here in this moment.


Let that effervescent experience be your medicine in this moment.




  1. snowpeas

    Beautifully stated. I tried it and love it! …and what a great way to go back to those good feelings and get more “mileage” out of them. Thank you :). <3<3

  2. Trish

    Beautiful…. xxx

  3. paPA

    “Think of a time when you felt so free, so strong within yourself, where you were having the time of your life, completely in your element.”–I think of Santa Fe. It was a really good time in my life–I could almost FEEL myself growing. Life was a pleasure.

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