The Herbangardener

Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

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Visualization, by Lindsey


Think of a time when you felt so free, so strong within yourself, where you were having the time of your life, completely in your element.


Close your eyes. Go there to that exact moment. Breathe it in and re-incorporate it into your being.

Breathe the YOU in that moment…into yourself here in this moment.


Let that effervescent experience be your medicine in this moment.



Gratitudes * February 12, 2013

~ I’m once again joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition. ~

Gratitude Sunday is a time to slow down and remember those thankful moments that graced our week. One reason I love keeping a daily gratitude journal is because it helps keep things in perspective for me. Each Sunday, I open my journal and share some of those moments with you here. If you’d like to join in, just leave a comment!

Gratitude is powerful energy. I love hearing others’ gratitudes!


– A tidy home! (Excepting my studio, which is a disaster at the moment…) It feels wonderful to have things be neat and tidy. It’s calming!

– The contrast of beautiful pink and red Valentine decorations against the bleak, gray February sky. Love it!!! (I love the grayness… in this wonderful sun-soaked climate, a gray day now and then is a treat.)

– My sweet F, for quietly taking charge of the laundry when I was feeling really worn out. He always does all the dishes and I do all the laundry (and it works out very well since each of us feels that we’re getting the better end of the deal!). Thank you Honey ♥

– Watching my cat’s eyes absolutely light up when she caught a whiff of cantaloupe as I cut it in half. My mom bought a cantaloupe as a gift for her Grandkitty (!!) and Liz was so excited. It’s been a while since she’s had cantaloupe and she loves it especially when it’s good and sweet, as this one is. She devours it.

– Reading “Heaven on Earth” by Sharifa Oppenheimer. I love this book. I’m grateful, too, for our good library system that was able to get it to me within days of my putting it on hold! I love our library…

– Finding a $20 bill on the ground! F and I were riding our bikes to the store for some groceries when I found it, and since I spent only $8 at the store, I actually returned home from that shopping trip richer than when I left! heehee. What a nice little gift from “beyond.”

– My acupuncture treatments providing unexpected pain relief for my broken hand.


Are there any special gratitudes from your week that you’d like to share? Do!


Beautiful Things Today

The aspen branches I brought in a couple weeks ago are flowering…

It rained last night, instead of snowing — a most unusual occurrence — and this morning was so fresh smelling, and frosty…

This book I’m reading is a thing of beauty, too. It’s called Heaven On Earth, by Sharifa Oppenheimer. It’s about the Waldorf approach to early childhood — but if you let it, this book could be a life-changer even if you don’t have children. The environment created at home for the young child would in fact benefit anyone. The other thing of beauty in this photo is the page holder!! What a great invention…

Spring is coming! I thought the single-digit temperatures in January had killed my lettuce crowns. Not so!

From a longtime friend… a most wonderful, old fashioned, hand written letter full of love and soul arrived in the mailbox this afternoon, and contained these handmade hearts for our window!!!



It snowed last night. It was such a peaceful sight, and our ground needed the moisture badly. And every single person in the city awoke to a wonderland this morning!

I shoveled the walks, took a few pictures, and enjoyed tea inside the warm house as the morning sun began to break through the clouds.

This day was spent doing quiet things; resting, addressing neglected piles, picking up messes, sweeping, making soup with homegrown hubbard squash.

F and I had set out our five boxes full of things we’re giving away, and they were picked up today from our front porch. How great it felt to send those things on to their new lives, while paring down and simplifying our own.

And being, as it is, a day on earth, it also had its challenges. Sweetness and challenges…like yin and yang, dark and light — always hand-in-hand.

Surprising rudeness at the grocery store. Surprising insurance bills. Being tired and cranky. Frustration with my bum hand and the things I can’t do right now. Assorted worries and fears. Overwhelm regarding the future.

Some days just have a heaviness to them.

That’s okay.

Other days have the most incredible lightness.

Tonight, F and I decided not to turn on the TV for the PBS program we were planning to watch. Instead it was a quiet night. I got a batch of kombucha going, candle in the kitchen window, and the soothing sounds of Steven Halpern music coming softly through the speakers.

After the counter was wiped clean and the lights were lowered, I made tea and sat down with Renewal, the magazine of the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America. I love this magazine. I received it when my mom and I visited a Waldorf school for its winter fair in December. I’ve read every word and am going back through it a second time. I’ve been noticing which magazines and articles sit around unread, and which ones I grab first these days; so I’m letting Taproot and Mother Earth News lapse, and have excitedly bought a subscription to Renewal. Learning about the Waldorf approach to early childhood, and then extrapolating that info to life in general, has really grabbed me of late. It strikes such a chord. The importance of gentleness and goodness, the importance of beauty and quality and simplicity and meaningfulness. The deep connection to nature.

And what else can we do, really, but follow our interests. I can’t see what my future looks like. All I know is that I aim to lead a joyful and authentic life doing the work I am meant to do, even though I’m not totally sure what that is right now. The only way I see getting there is to follow what really grabs me. And then, trust that it will knit itself into a future that fits me perfectly.



~May you all have a peaceful night tonight.~


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