Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Tag: good medicine (Page 8 of 11)

Beach Day!

I have to tell you about a really wonderful day this week! My mom had emailed me saying “wanna go swimming tomorrow?” DO I! I could hardly sleepย I was so excited, I felt like a little kid. It was an extremely hot day the next day and we drove to a reservoir that had a swimming beach. We had the best time! When was the last time you went swimming in a lake?? Ages ago? Me too. It’s much more fun than a swimming pool and different than ocean swimming (more serene, no rip tides). We did pause — only for a second! — to remark about the water (“it’s…GREEN”) but tossed precaution aside and went in. We were both literally squealing in delight, it felt so good to be in water!!!

Yummy snack…

After being in the water, I soaked in the sun on the beach and evened out my farmer’s tan got some vitamin D. I forgot how delicious it feels to lie in the hot sun after being in the water — like a sun sauna!

After swimming we took a little walk through a bog into a very quiet, very still, very enchanted meadow where two mama deer were grazing with their fawns.

Unfortunately the place was absolutely infested with mosquitoes, so we hardly spent any time here, even though it was so enchanting and inviting.

Quick, get a picture of this place so we can look at it later!” we only half joked, while swatting at arms and legs!

After that we went to Whole Foods for lunch!

I felt like I was on vacation the entire time. And I could just feel the damage being undone from some of those stressful workdays where I’d go outside at lunch and cry! What a wonderful day of rejuvenation and joy…



The Day My Life Changed Forever

Us, laughing, as always. That's Sonja on the right.

Sleepover! Sonja's on the left.

As I talked about in yesterday’s Gratitude Sunday post, today is the 7-year anniversary that my soul sister, Sonja, dropped her body. We were both barely 19 at the time. The circumstances of her death were very sad & maddening. I hope you don’t mind me sharing this story on my blog. The take-home message is one we’ve all heard so many times before: if you’ve been drinking, please please don’t drive.

Sonja was driving home on the evening of July 18th, and stopped at a red light. Behind her, speeding up at 70mph in his red truck, was a 52-year-old man who had 8 previous DUIs. He was too drunk at the time to notice the red light, and so didn’t hit the breaks and smashed into her car, crumpling it completely. She died 8 hours later in Intensive Care. I think the reason she didn’t die at the scene was that she wanted her parents to be able to see her and be with her one last time at the hospital, and to be the ones to decide to remove her from life support. She was their only child.

Sonja and I met in preschool, when we were 3 years old. We made each other’s childhoods! We really were joined at the hip. We got each other through life. Two sensitive souls, just so glad to have each other to lean on. When she was killed, I felt as though half of me had been ripped off. The emotional pain was searing, and it went on and on and on — a nuclear explosion of emotion. Turns out, the only way out of grief is through it. I mustered an inner strength I didn’t know I had, and moved through it without drugs or alcohol to numb it, without knowing how to get through it, and most of all, without Sonja to talk it through with.

A month after her death, our kitty was killed by a car, and a year later our dog, Snow, died. In private, I used to scream in anger and mostly fear, “WHO ELSE??? Who else is going to get taken???”.

But nobody else got taken. And now, 7 years later, I feel the best that I’ve felt yet. That is something to celebrate! I feel more of a peace; the pain is much less, and is more deadened. I feel like I can remember those awful days with some detachment…without fear of sliding uncontrollably down the slippery slope lest I remember too deeply.ย  I still miss Sonja so much. Terribly, actually — especially when I see two girls, chattering and laughing and having a grand time. But maybe I’m finally resigning myself to the fact that she’s never, ever coming back…and getting used to that. It feels good to be at this point, because when I was in the depths of darkness and grief, I truly didn’t think it would ever end. But I got through it. I wasn’t sure I would — or really wanted to — but I did, and that’s something that makes me proud.

Sonja, Snow, & me

Below is something I wrote last year, in an email to my Hubby. It was meant to be a quick email, but the story just sort of came pouring out. It needed to be told.

“6 years ago today, which was also a Saturday, was my last day with Sonja. We had the best time! She decided to bring her bike over, and we rode bikes all around, going to the wetlands and walked around, admiring the city, then went to Peaberry’s and sat and had iced chai and lemon bread. We talked and talked and talked…then rode home and she and mom and I (dad was out of town) made these really awesome Greek Melt sandwiches with spinach and cherry tomatoes from the garden. We ate at the table and watched the Tour de France, and Lance Armstrong won the stage! We were cheering and hollering. ๐Ÿ™‚ Sonja had to go to work the next day, so we hugged and said “Bye, I love you!” like always, and I stood in the front yard waving the “I love you” hand sign until her car was out of sight. It was the last time I would ever see her.

The next day, Sunday, I baked a chocolate cake in my solar oven because it was Raisin’s birthday. I had trouble getting to sleep that night, and at 1am the phone rang. Mom answered; it was Sonja’s dad saying that she had been in a car crash — hit by a drunk driver, and was in a coma in intensive care. After hearing that, I was wide awake, heart pounding, frozen into a fetal position in my bed. I couldn’t move, or sleep. What a long, awful night. Mom and I didn’t go to the hospital; I don’t know why, we didn’t even talk about it. We just didn’t go. Later I would agonize over that decision, but came to realize that’s the way it was meant to be.

At sunrise, I got up and packed my backpack full of things I thought her parents would want, like healthy snacks and face wash, and was about to get on my bike and ride down to the hospital, but called their cell phone first. They didn’t answer, so I called their house. A family friend answered but was too upset to talk so she gave the phone to her husband. I said “How’s Sonja????” but he could hardly get any words out and tearfully said “Sonja passed away this morning.” I will never, ever forget those words. Remembering it now, I still get shaky. It was such a shock — all I could say was “No, no, no, no, no” and I felt like I was going to vomit. I went inside and just said to my mom “She passed away.” It was utter disbelief and I felt out of my body. Mom started crying, but I couldn’t cry for days. It just wouldn’t come. I was in such deep shock. Sonja and I were soul sisters, inseparable best friends for 16 years, since age 3. I didn’t have any other friends because she was the only one I needed.

I didn’t know what else to do, so I unpacked the snacks and face wash and took Snow for a walk. Then went over to Dan and Joyce’s across the alley because I nannied their 6-month-old daughter that summer. Mom went to Whole Foods and took food over to Van and Carolyn, then went to work.

Neither of us knew how to deal with our grief and so instead of hugging and crying, we got distant and snippy. It was incredibly isolating. Sonja was the only one I could really open up to, and now she was dead. A couple days later I went over and told Darlene the news, and mom could hear her scream from across the street. ๐Ÿ™

The whole thing…it was so awful…I was sick to my stomach and couldn’t eat for a long time.

The news finally hit me an entire year later, when I was living in New Zealand for a while. I heard it all in my head again, and could finally react, and I screamed and screamed in anguish for 45 minutes.

It was such a long road of grief. It took about 2 years until I started feeling kind-of okay again. It was a living hell, and so many times I just wanted to die and make it all stop. But somehow I came out whole — and a better person because of it. In some ways, her death was such a gift. I could see the gift, but god it was so hard to move through all the shit that her death brought up. I dreaded going to sleep at night because of the hellish nightmares, and woke up to that choking, searing grief that would not let up. As much as I intellectually knew that one can create their own reality, and take control of their feelings….it was more than I could muster. The feelings would come in tsunamis and all I could do was feel them completely through to the end. I was mad at myself that I couldn’t control them. Feeling them…all their facets and complexity and the way they interwove and connected to the other feelings and emotions that were there… that was the only way I could get through it.

She and I used to talk endlessly about our future husbands, kids, and the trips we were going to take together. So many dreams for the future died along with her.

My parents did not react well to my grief and it hurt them to see me in such overwhelming pain, so I tried not to show it. I recall a few times where I was unable to get up from my bedroom floor, emotionally bleeding to death, but there was nothing anybody could do. And they were hurting too, because Sonja had been like a daughter to them. Life at that time was extraordinarily dark.

And although the feelings and the sadness will always be in me, so are the happy memories of everything that we did together. We were so close… we had such fun together! Gosh.

And it all seems so long ago. I can’t tell you how thankful I am that it’s in the past now.”


Me (l) & Sonja (r). Guess who became the dancer!




Dressing up in stupid clothes, frizzing our hair, and standing barefoot in the snow. that weird?


Me, Sonja, & Snow



Anyway, thanks for listening. I loved going back through old pictures for this post; I think I had a smile on my face the entire time! It felt so good to remember all the fun we had. In fact I think I’ll begin a new tradition, where every July 18th, I’ll buy myself a fun treat to eat, and get out the old pictures and relive those happy times together!


Gratitude Sunday * May 15, 2011

My lovely friend Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots has started a new tradition — Gratitude Sunday. Sunday’s a quiet and contemplative day, and a good day to share what we’ve been grateful for over the past week.

Each night I write in my gratitude journal at least 3 things that I’m grateful for that day, though the list is often much longer. I love this quiet ritual, and I also love going back through past years’ journals to see what I was doing “this day six years ago.”

So feel free to participate! What are you grateful for? Leave a comment!


Here’s what I’ve been grateful for this past week:

– An amazing almost-3″ of rain that we desperately needed.

– A string of misty, cool, cloudy, wet, green days this week! Love them!

– A mug of hot tea on a chilly, rainy night.

– Waking up to an incredible dawn chorus of birds this morning, before the city noise began.

– Space heater to press my feet against.

– Spending time in my garden on a priceless glorious evening.

– Taking a break from garden work to eat watermelon with my neighbor on her lovely back porch. She’s 81 (acts like 61!) and is like a grandmother to me. We have a special bond. ๐Ÿ™‚

– A magical bike ride at dusk.

– The garden’s growing so well!

– Eating salads where every single thing is homegrown.

– Cool spring air. Our apartment is comfortable and not yet too hot. I’m savoring it!

– Doing some contract work for my former employer; it feels good to use my knowledge and “expertise” again, and we both benefit — they get good work done by someone who knows the ropes of the place, and I get to earn some side money.

– Finishing a big, brain-frying project for them that I worked on all week; it seemed like it would never end, and it involved aggravating sentences like: The company will integrate event escalation procedures to identify incidents that require declaration of an incident. And… All data encryption keys must be stored encrypted and in a secure location. Key-encrypting keys must be stored separate from data-encrypting keys within applicable applications. But it’s done! It ended, I’m happy with how it turned out, and I sent it off tonight. That feels good!

– Not working a daily 9-5 job — just doing contract work from home.

– Got 3 loads of laundry done this weekend.

– Having fresh lilacs and lily-of-the-valley in vases around the house, and smelling them as I pass by.

– Eating a lime-juice popsicle. It tasted so good!

– A quiet, subdued week. A good week.

Making Time for the Outdoors, Every Day

Today was a lost day, as some just turn out to be! I did almost nothing! But each and every day, I make sure to get out for a walk. It’s a wonder what a brisk walk outdoors can do — feeling the chilly breeze across your face, squinting into the sun, and hearing robins singing in stereo from trees all around you…all while breathing deeply and moving your body.

Today was chilly and refreshing. I walked to a favorite destination, with a bag over my shoulder filled with hot tea in a thermos, mittens, and my camera…

Tea + Nature = Happy!


Look what else I saw!

Blissfully Oblivious

What day is it? Wednesday? Seems like Tuesday, or maybe it’s even Thursday by now…

This is how my mind operates now that I’m not caged into a cubicle, participating in the rat race. I casually wonder what day it is — and only because I want to be sure the library’s open today!

I love how I’m never really too sure what day it is anymore. I’m focusing on LIFE — not the calendar or the clock.

That feels so freeing!

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