I had a really nice day today; how was yours? It’s been crazy energy lately — can you feel it? — and for the past week or two my mood has been sagging a little too frequently into depression. Yuck. I’m prone to those very low feelings from time to time, and I just haven’t been able to shake ’em off all that well lately. But today felt really good. I got up early and put 4 lbs of chicken backs into the big pot to make “bone broth” then went back to bed and let my body sleep as long as it needed to. Oh heaven.
Then later I took a good long walk at a clippin’ pace, ending up at our local herbal apothecary. Walking felt good, I delighted in seeing signs of spring, and ending up at the apothecary was a smart choice. Sometimes getting into a healing atmosphere like that is just what I need! Good medicine, ya know. I browsed the books, the essential oils, all their beautiful things…ahhh. It was fun. Stocked up on some dried nettles and rose petals for tea from their bulk herb section, and then walked home. The sky was cloudy and the air chilly and humid, and I loved it. Living in Colorado, I sometimes get tired of the unrelenting sunshine, and I savor the cloudy days when we get them! It had even been snowing lightly earlier in the morning. I’m sure I’ve said this before, but I just love the cozy feeling of being inside with a cup of tea and a book, looking out at swirling flakes!
Anyway, I arrived home from my walk to find a package waiting by the door — YESS! My new art supplies I’d ordered! But by that time it was 2:30 and I was starving, having not eaten anything yet today. I started right in on making Shrimp Etouffee over soaked brown rice, something I’ve never made before…and oh my…it was divine. I could hardly stop eating it. I love when I’m absolutely starving because food tastes so unbelievably good!
Then I fixed some nettle-peppermint-raspberry leaf tea and tore open the art package. Just like Christmas! See what I got!? Markers and colored pencils!
And by then it was late afternoon and my Honey came home from work…which is actually the biggest treat of all. 🙂 🙂
What did you do today?