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Tag: travel (Page 2 of 4)

Our Airplane Food

Yay, we’re headed out pretty soon for Hawaii! We like taking our own food, so this is what we’ve got for the 2 hours at the airport plus the 7 1/2 hour flight:

Salads (all homegrown – lettuce, chives, oregano, dill, parsley)


Watermelon, pears, and peaches


Halved lemons to squeeze onto the salads


Homemade concord grape fruit leather


Pepperjack cheese slices

Wasa crackers

Slices of sprouted grain bread

Whole Wheat Gingerbread muffin

Some little sweet treats


I love eating my own food on the plane and it feels good to be taking all this good stuff. Plus we can re-use the containers while we’re travelling too — for picnics or whatever… and then fill them back up with tropical Hawaiian goodness to eat on the plane ride back. (Or with sea shells, as the case may turn out to be…)


A Special Nature Outing


Just wanted to share with you some pictures from the wonderful nature outing I had yesterday! My aunt and her honey are in town visiting this week, and they, together with my mom and dad and I, all went to a nature spot that holds a special place in our hearts. I’ve been going there since I was just a toddler! The weather was sublime, and we had the place to ourselves. It was such a special family time, I’ll never forget it. I only wish my F could have been there with us, I know he would have loved it too. We saw some amazing bird & wildlife activity, including a bald eagle on its nest, a Swainson’s hawk, grebes, pelicans, a couple bullsnakes, a garter snake swimming across a canal (!), and a rattlesnake hunting a bunny!

The cherry on top, for me, was the discovery of a bunch of nettles patches around the place! I didn’t know nettles grew in dry Colorado, so this was quite exciting! More about that in the next post…

Here are some pictures:

Nettles, yay!!

This adorable sight was in the nature center!

Also at the nature center was a whiteboard where people write what they saw while out and about. I had a good laugh at one of the things on this list! Can you spot which one? 🙂

And I gathered two delicate blue speckled eggshells that had been chucked out of a nest, maybe to make room for growing babies. I added them to my nature basket at home. Aren't they beautiful!


Gratitude Sunday * January 1, 2012!

~ I’m once again joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition. ~

Gratitude Sunday is a time to slow down and remember those thankful moments that graced our week. One reason I love keeping a daily gratitude journal is because it helps keep things in perspective for me. Each Sunday, I open my journal and share some of those moments with you here. If you’d like to join in, just leave a comment!

Gratitude is powerful energy. I love hearing others’ gratitudes!


– A most wonderful Christmas…spent in a mountain cabin with my parents and cat~

Our view!

In town...

– Our tumbleweed Christmas tree! Now and then we rent a cabin in the mountains for Christmas, and whenever we do, our tradition is to have a tumbleweed tree. I love them!

– Doing such quintessentially Christmasy things on Christmas eve — it fed my soul deeply. We hung out together in our little cabin, played Christmas music, had a fire going in the fireplace, baked gingerbread cookies (dough rolled out with the wine bottle!), roasted chestnuts on the hearth (never mind most of them turned out to be moldy inside, haha!), drank hot mulled apple cider, gathered around the glowing ‘tree’, and opened a few presents.

– Watching Liz, my cat, have the absolute time of her life in the cabin! She had a blast! How fun it was to see her having such a great time.

And she wears her Christmas collar with such nonchalance. Pretty cute.

Christmas morning!

– The incredible night sky. OH my goodness…I’d forgotten just how the night sky looks when you’re away from city lights. OH MY. That first night, I walked outside and literally gasped out loud. I dearly want that night sky to be part of my life…in the near future!! I miss seeing an overwhelming number of stars like that.

– The smell of new soap… I love when I’m on vacation because the soap at new places smells different and really reminds me that I’m on a trip!!

– Pine needle tea.

– Giving my gifts at Christmas!

– The wonderful, love-filled gifts I received from my folks. Wow.

Christmas morning!

– Taking a family walk on Christmas, down to the sledding hill, the frozen pond where people were skating, around the dirt roads, past other cabins… it was lovely. I also loved that I felt well enough to do such a walk! And then…drinking hot chocolate and eating snacks after our walk.

– Starting fires in the fireplace…soaking split peas by the hearth…roasting a potato in the ashes…loving the atmosphere and warmth of a crackling fire…and then taking home all the wood ash for the garden. I loved having a fireplace for 4 days!!

– Going swimming with Mom and playing catch with a wiffle ball. We surprised ourselves at how much fun we had! And the view from the pool of the surrounding snow-covered Rocky Mountains was breathtaking.

– Having a break from the computer (and all other technology) over Christmas. Gosh that felt good… and I’d like to make that happen more often in day-to-day living. How nice it was to go back to the simpler times that I remember, when computers weren’t part of our daily lives, and we actually interacted with one another, read actual books, had actual conversations, took actual walks together, etcetera!

– Low-tech “family art time” that happened spontaneously — dad was doing watercolor at the table, and mom and I began making ornaments. All was quiet while we were absorbed in our tasks, and it felt good to be gathered at the table together. We definitely don’t take each other for granted, and we know those moments are so precious.

– Getting home safely, and feeling that of course I loved the cabin and the mountains, but it also felt good to be home.

– Getting home to my sweet Hubby, and glad that he got some good alone-time while I was gone. We all need alone time. 🙂

– Meeting F the next day near his office and going to lunch; I loved that.

– While driving home from the mountains, feeling a deep desire for a luxurious spa treatment…and then arriving home to find an envelope with a gift certificate from my sister for…a spa treatment!!!!!! Oh Hallelujah!!!

– Finally getting to the thrift store for some new clothes.

– Getting home in one piece after an exhausting and frazzling errands day out and about on my bike… arriving home after dark, from icy and slushy roads, with a heavy backpack and annex bag on my handlebars. Totally exhausted. And into the loving arms of my wonderful hubby (who was busy making some incredible spaghetti sauce!), and then into a hot bath with flower essences, bath salts, candles, and relaxing music. Then into bed!!

– Cleaning up and purging some stuff from our house yesterday. I didn’t realize it was New Year’s Eve until mid-day, but F and I had spontaneously launched into a perfectly appropriate activity for that particular day…purging the old, cleaning up, throwing out, organizing. And today I got out my Lillian Too’s 168 Feng Shui Ways to Declutter Your Home book which is such a great way to get fired up about purging your house if you’re lacking inspiration. I always lament the fact that I use so much of my stuff, because I’d really just like to give it all away!!

– Having help from my Hubby with the huge mountain of laundry yesterday. Our landlord bought a brand new fancy Samsung front-loader washing machine that we all hate. I won’t go into detail because it’ll just rekindle my hatred of that thing, haahaa!, but yesterday having Hubby pre-wash everything in the bathtub was a huge help, and made the task seem a lot less overwhelming.

– A relaxing and quiet New Years Eve. We even watched an entire Lawrence Welk show — they were celebrating New Years Eve 1971! We can’t help but laugh at certain acts in that show, and comment that every single person in the audience is probably dead now…but last night some good old fashioned schmaltz just felt right.

– Though I don’t normally get too excited about New Year’s, I began thinking about it last night and feeling glad for a slate that’s been wiped clean, ready for a new start!


Happy 2012 to you!

What gratitudes have graced your week?



Back From Argentina!

Lost in the chaotic back streets of Buenos Aires

Boy it’s been a whole month since I posted! We got back from Argentina a couple weeks ago, and I’ve been getting things back in order, plus relaxing and enjoying the Christmas season!

We had such a great time on our trip! There were many things we observed and made note of, and I’ve listed them here if anyone’s interested. Just observations about the country. There are more pictures after the text.

We* ended up driving almost 3,200 miles from Buenos Aires down the east coast to Peninsula Valdez where we saw penguins, then west through Patagonia (route 25) to the Andes, then through the Pampas back to Buenos Aires.

*I was the map-reader and in fact did precisely NONE of the driving; F. did it all, despite the insane drivers, complete lack of stop signs, and basically no road rules. I was so sure we were going to get into an accident, but amazingly we didn’t. My Hubby is such a good driver! Wow.

Argentina was NOT cheap like everyone had said, however. Prices for everything (even in places well off the beaten path) were comparable to the United States. The nature there was first-rate, however. Beautiful! We loved seeing different animals in the wild, including guanacos, rheas (like ostriches), flamingos, penguins, whales, parakeets, sea lions, tarantulas, an armadillo, a stork, vultures, cara-caras, vermillion fly catchers, etc.

Some Random Observations:

Argentina is very Italian (say “Ciao!”). It’s all about pasta, pizza, ham-n-cheese -everything, and croissants. We ate enough ham & cheese cold cuts and croissants to last us a lifetime.

This country consumes a LOT of sugar! It’s everywhere, and in everything. And they love their helado (ice cream) and dulce de leche (carmelized milk & sugar)!

They don’t seem to be much into fresh food or vegetables. Salads are a little bit of wilty lettuce topped with mountains of ham and cheese, topped with, strangely, distilled white vinegar and corn(!) or vegetable oil. Canned fruit was usually the thing, rather than fresh. I was consistently underwhelmed by the selection and quality of fresh produce — and none of it was organic that I saw.

Despite the perfect climate and rich soil, I only saw a handful of backyard gardens and a couple of backyard fruit trees. Why don’t people grow their own food?

The supermarkets are crammed with processed foods laden with sugar, preservatives, partially hydrogenated oils, and white flour, with seemingly no healthier alternatives.

Milk is mostly all ultrapasteurized, sold in aseptic bags or in boxes on the shelf. And I stocked up when I could find plain yogurt with no sugar added!

I didn’t see organic anything. The organic/local foods/whole foods/fresh foods/no-GMO thing hasn’t reached Argentina yet, it seems. They do have Gluten-Free down pat, though.

No health food stores… none that I saw anyway.

They drink a lot of mate (pronounced mah-tay), anywhere and everywhere, all the time, usually with friends, preferably outside, but also at work and in the car.

Spanish is spoken with an Italian accent. And the double L sound is pronounced “sh” rather than “y”. Calle (“street”) is pronounced “kah-shay” instead of “kah-yay.”

The driving is completely nuts, reckless, and downright scary, but people are generally paying attention and usually not on their cell phones.

The road signage throughout the country is minimal, confusing, and often just plain stupid.

There are no stop signs at intersections, lanes are optional, red lights are sometimes disregarded — as are pedestrians — and it’s very much a “me first” attitude. I’m still completely amazed that we weren’t involved in an accident.

That said, the people (when not in their cars) seemed really nice everywhere we went. We didn’t really run into the machismo attitude we’d read about, although perhaps that’s because we were traveling as a couple. I got a few wolf whistles but mostly I just noticed that the men were courteous in general, and held the door for me.

Seat belts, car seats, and helmets are seen only occasionally.

Buenos Aires has a Parisian look to it, but the buildings are dirty and run down, perhaps from the air pollution?; the city is much prettier at night when you can’t see the dirt!

We drank the water everywhere with no problem.

All gas stations are full service. All cars are manual transmission.

What they call “NAFTA” is the regular gasoline we’re used to in the States; it’s expensive at around US$4+ a gallon. GNC (compressed natural gas) is also widely available (and usually a quarter of the price as NAFTA), and many cars use that as fuel.

In general, Argentinians are thin, easy on the eyes, and casually fashionable. Most have European blood.

The traffic lights will turn yellow before they turn red, but also again before they turn green.

Waiters will let you linger at a restaurant as long as you want; if you want the check, you’ll have to ask for it. The strange “table fee” added to your bill is for the bread, use of the table, clean silverware & plates, etc. It’s not the tip. It’s customary to tip at least 10% at a restaurant.

Police stations are in every town, no matter how small. There are lots of police “checkpoints” (though they seemed pretty laid-back).

Lots of toll roads, especially around Buenos Aires.

In Argentina they like to nickel and dime you for everything; however, parking was free, even at the beach!

No smoke detectors in hotel rooms.

Lots of cows eating lush, green grass. Famous grass-fed beef. However, they’re just getting into the feedlot-factory-farming thing — cringe!

Seemingly no emissions regulations on vehicles. The air is downright acrid in Buenos Aires.

Lots of dirty, run-down, soviet-style apartment blocks. Dead, soviet-looking building carcasses litter the landscape; too decrepit to resurrect, no money to tear them down.

The feel of the whole country is “not enough money.” This is thanks to their recent, turbulent political history.

Prices ARE NOT CHEAP! We read so many things that said “Argentina is cheap.” Well, Argentina is NOT cheap. Even in the small towns that are off the beaten path. Its prices are absolutely comparable to the US, except for electronics which are outdated and yet cost twice what they cost in the US. Jobs are evidently hard to come by, and people don’t make much money. We honestly don’t know how they survive. Thus, the look of “poor” throughout the country.

Siesta is every afternoon. Stores close for about four hours and then re-open later in the evening. They still put in a 40-hour work week though.

Argentinians are night owls; they eat late and stay up very late.

Dogs run free. There are dogs everywhere, napping on sidewalks, crossing streets, playing in groups, just “out and about.” Some are stray, some aren’t; all look happy!

Our Peugeot rental car

Somewhere in Buenos Aires

Mar del Plata

Driving along the beach, south of Mar del Plata (?)

Ubiquitous dirty apartment blocks -- these are in not-so-scenic Necochea

Pastry with dulce de leche -- the best deal in Argentina at only US$1

Someone's backyard behind the gas station. Can't remember where...

Every store had an entire aisle devoted to cheap vegetable oils. Only 75 cents US for a bottle. Not your thing? Then try the blocks of margarine in the refridgerated section!

Milk is sold in bags. Almost all of it ultrapasteurized; pasteurized (like the stuff above) is rare.

We stayed in Puerto Pyramides on Peninsula Valdez. I particularly loved this leg of our trip. Our room was right on the beach and we watched whales from our balcony!

We saw lots of sweet penguins at Peninsula Valdez!! Gorgeous water, too. (And very, very windy!)

Patagonia does feature a lot of nothing.

In the Andes, with Bariloche in the distance. It was SO windy! And the water really is that beautiful color.

Typical Argentinian hotel buffet breakfast. Ham & cheese, croissants (not pictured), canned fruit, sweetened drinkable yogurt, breads, and sugary pastries filled with dulce de leche.

The Pampas sometimes looked like the grassland prairie of the American midwest, while in other places (like here near Santa Rosa) it looked like the African savanna with lots of Acacia. (And notice the flamingos in the water in the bottom left hand corner of the picture!)

Old gas station with Che Guevara posters in the city of Chivilcoy.

Going to Argentina on Friday!

We have a big trip planned!! We’re leaving for Argentina on Friday and will be there for a little over 2 weeks. We’ve been talking about this trip for a long time, but only last week did we actually bite the bullet and buy our tickets. And then only last night did we really begin hammering out an itinerary. We’re still working on that part! Guess that leaves the plane ride to brush up on my extremely minimal Spanish. F used to speak fluent Spanish but not anymore. Though I’m sure we’ll get by OK!

At first we were planning to wing it completely with the itinerary, but realized that not having a plan would waste a lot of precious time (and probably money) because we want to see many different places with only 2 weeks to do it! I think having a rough plan will cut down on stress, too.

We’re going down there primarily to scope it out as a possible place to live. We’d like to be in the countryside (with several acres), but within reasonable distance from a good-sized city. We like smaller towns, but with a progressive mindset. And preferably near a beach! So we’ll be looking around in the area south of Buenos Aires and north of Bahia Blanca. Any recommendations? Have you been there? Know of a good spot to visit? Leave a comment and let us know!

The rest of the trip, then, will be sightseeing and getting a feel for the rest of the country. We’ll see some penguins in the south, the Lakes District in the west, and possibly Iguazu Falls in the northern jungle. If you have any recommendations regarding these places, too, please leave a comment!!

It’ll be a whirlwind trip! I think we’ll both be glad when we’re finally on the plane. We’ve been in trip-plan mode pretty heavily these past couple days, and as F and I both keep remembering more and more things we need to do, it’s getting overwhelming! Trip planning stresses me out, and traveling often stresses me out, too. I love travel, but I’m also a homebody and get easily overwhelmed. But gosh, I do love being out in the world seeing new places!

Preparing for this trip has been a little easier than previous trips, though. I’ve done the solo backpacking thing through New Zealand and some of Australia, so I know what to pack…already have everything I need…and have done it before and know the drill. SO helpful!

Anyway, our itinerary will still be fairly open, so if you have any pointers about places to see, or travel tips for Argentina, leave a comment!

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