Sunday’s a good day to remember what we’ve been grateful for over the past week, don’t you think? I’m joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition, and here’s my list:

– The weather! This week we had incredible weather — sunny, settled, and in the 80s. I’ve savored it. And there’s more in the forecast!

– Blanket on the lawn, magazine, ice water, warm breezes, bright sun & dappled shade, blackbirds chattering, sleeves rolled up, sun-warmed body.

– Our crock-pot.

– A wonderful dream, where my soul sister Sonja (who’s been on the other side for 7 years now) came to hang out with me. I’ve been missing her a lot so this was really special. In the dream, we went swimming and she reminded me of our anniversary, which I had totally forgotten about! When she was living, we’d always celebrate our “friendship anniversary” sometime during the month of September, usually by taking ourselves to lunch at our favorite restaurant. We were coming up on our 16th anniversary when she died. For some reason, I guess I stopped remembering our anniversaries several years back, and would have forgotten this one too, had it not been for her reminder dream (on the last day of September!). In the dream, we calculated together that it would be 23 years this year, and we marveled at that!

– Having a 10-day retreat at my parents’ house while they’re away. Having the private outdoor space that is their backyard… having my garden right there to putter around in… hearing crickets — and nothing else — at night… being able to hang things on the clothesline… playing the piano in their living room… reading outside next to my garden with tea, with my feet on the cool grass, until it’s too dark to see… you can see why it’s a retreat!

– A canceled work-related meeting, meaning I could stay home and slack off a bit! Perfect since I felt especially crappy this week.

– Meeting my Hubby at the neighborhood farmer’s market today 🙂

– Staying out in my garden tonight until dark, pressing nasturtium leaves. What a quiet, centering activity that was.

– The smell of clothes that have dried on the line outside! And simply just hanging things out on the line. This is one of my favorite activities; today I hung out my pajamas, towel, and the down comforter just so they’d get ‘that smell’.

– Letting myself cry instead of holding it back. Sometimes you just need a bit of a cry. It feels cleansing.


And now here’s another little garden tour for you; it looks much like the one from last month, but it was such a beautiful evening that I couldn’t let it pass without showing you. 😉


What blessings have you appreciated throughout your week? Leave a comment and let us know!
