Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Gratitude Sunday * January 15, 2012

~ I’m once again joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition. ~

Gratitude Sunday is a time to slow down and remember those thankful moments that graced our week. One reason I love keeping a daily gratitude journal is because it helps keep things in perspective for me. Each Sunday, I open my journal and share some of those moments with you here. If you’d like to join in, just leave a comment!

Gratitude is powerful energy. I love hearing others’ gratitudes!


– More snowfall! We woke up one morning to the scene above!

– Accomplishing projects, and beginning new ones I’ve wanted to start for a while.

– Thankful again for the good insurance I have. Saw the statement this week for my night and day at the hospital — $7,640!!!! INSANE. I’m so thankful that I received the much-needed care there, but didn’t have to fork over that crapload of cash.

– That the doctor, lab, and pharmacy are so close to our house. I’ve been over there more times than I can count this past year, and it has been such a huge advantage that they’re so close, since we don’t own a car. And I’ve become such a frequent flyer at the lab that they know me, and we catch up on what’s been goin’ on each time I go there. The people there are so nice.

– Being exhausted after a long day and wanting to just vege out in front of the TV, and then having three of my favorite shows come on in a row — Globe Trekker, Rick Steves’ Europe, and New Scandinavian Cooking! That was really fun.

– Sitting on my ‘balcony’ in a tank top one warm and sunny afternoon. (Then waking up to snow the next morning!)

– The library.

– Making snow ice cream, and its ever-so-familiar flavor from my childhood!

– Snowy, cloudy days, for the way they make me feel like hunkering down and digging into projects I’ve put aside for so long.

– A mid-day bath on a snowy day.

– A wonderful lunch out at a vegetarian restaurant with my mom and her childhood best friend who was turning 65 that very day! I had a vegetarian Reuben sandwich made with portobello mushrooms instead of meat. It tasted so close to the real thing! My stomach is still really touchy, and even though I crave Reuben sandwiches, I can’t eat them. But my stomach was good that day, and I could eat this vegetarian one!

– Being home and therefore having the private space to weep if that’s what comes up. Now and then, I will all of a sudden miss my best friend Sonja so intensely that tears well up. Other times, this illness gets the better of me and I just need a bit of a cry-n-release. I remember those things happening while I was at work, and I would wipe my eyes, stuff the feeling back down into myself, and hope a coworker wouldn’t walk into my cubicle at that moment. Now it feels good to just address the feeling as it comes, shed a few tears, and quickly and quietly release it.

– Catching some of the Red Green Show last night before going to bed. My parents and I used to watch that religiously, and I haven’t seen it for so many years. Funny!!! Especially the earlier episodes.

– Hanging low yesterday, watching some cooking shows, doing some art, just being together with F, doing separate things yet still hanging out together. A nice day.

– Seeing my folks today, and my cat!

– Going out to the garden today and discovering fresh green oregano beneath the dead leaves! I love it fresh on Greek salads — especially from this plant, which isn’t as overwhelmingly potent as other fresh oregano I’ve tried.


What gratitudes have graced your week?



  1. Trish

    Dear Lindsey….I love your list of gratitudes, they are so heartwarming.
    We all need a weep sometimes don’t we…sending you lots of

  2. Taryn Kae Wilson

    Hi Lindsey!!
    It feels so good to be visiting your blog! 🙂

    LOVE your list. LOVE your honesty.
    You are a truly inspiring soul. Thank you for sharing all you do.

    So many times in my life, I stuffed the feelings back down too. Having the private space to release them is the greatest gift. It feels SO GOOD to cry, it’s so cleansing. It’s so nice when we allow ourselves to.

    I’m so glad you had the insurance too!! Those costs really add up!

    That oregano looks so delicious and so bright green. It’s a beautiful picture.

    So, what projects are you working on? Have you been making things for your Etsy Shop? What will you make for your Etsy Shop? Mandalas? Dreamcatchers? Excited to see! 🙂

    Big hugs!!!

    Love, Taryn

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