Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Gratitude Sunday * January 22, 2012

~ I’m once again joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition. ~

Gratitude Sunday is a time to slow down and remember those thankful moments that graced our week. One reason I love keeping a daily gratitude journal is because it helps keep things in perspective for me. Each Sunday, I open my journal and share some of those moments with you here. If you’d like to join in, just leave a comment!

Gratitude is powerful energy. I love hearing others’ gratitudes!


– A lot of down time to think and process and read and ponder and write and be inspired. Physically I felt very droopy this week from the drugs, and most of my days were spent really just lying around. But mentally I felt good, and there was a lot going on in my mind (there always is, but it was all good, positive stuff this week). Strangely I didn’t feel depressed, didn’t let it get me down, didn’t read too much into it. It was simply like, ok, this is how I feel today. I’ll just hang low and do quiet stuff. And that’s that.

– That I have the flexibility of schedule to have a really droopy week; to just allow my body to do its thing. I’m definitely on the mend and feeling that I’m pulling out of this, though not there yet. This healing process is quite the process indeed; I can only describe it as “squirrelly.”

– A beautiful, warm day with all the windows in the house wide open. That was also the day I took down our sweet Christmas tree. It was sad to see it go, but I also love how the living room feels more open and spartan now. I also moved around a couple plants which created a slightly new look. I keep wanting to rearrange our living room, but how it is now is functional in such a nice way that I don’t want to wreck that. But still, it needs a bit of new energy. Trying to decide how to change it up more…

– Freshly washed windows, inside & out! I forget what a pleasure that is.

– Remembering to smudge the house with piñon incense on a regular basis.

– The library, and how you can check out books that sound good online, but then turn out not to be. I love how it’s risk free! See it, hate it, return it!

– That I share my life, and home, with such a sweet and wonderful person. I love my F! ♥

– A bad dream that contained an important reminder. I have a lot of bad dreams, and always have. But then again, bad dreams often have the most important messages.

– Ordinary days, where everyone arrives home safe and sound. After Sonja died, I never took that for granted again.

– A sweet afternoon visit to mom & dad & my cat yesterday on another gorgeous shorts-‘n-t-shirt day. Visiting, puttering around, snacking, doing outside stuff. Then later after dark, soaking my feet in hot water at their kitchen table and resting, while smelling my mom’s delicious cottage cheese dill bread baking in the oven!

– Feeling happy 🙂

– Randomly picking up my half-read book from many many months ago, and finishing the whole thing today! The information in it was really pertinent, and I love the satisfaction of finishing a book. I also thought it was interesting how today was the day I suddenly felt inspired to finish it. Sometimes I put a book down and don’t pick it back up for a long while; that’s totally okay with me because often I have to evolve in myself a bit more in order to fully appreciate and digest the information contained in the rest of the book.

– Our space heater. I love how I can sit really close to it and be warm, any time that I’m chilly.

– How our kitchen looks at night, after stringing some Christmas lights in the recesses above and below the cabinets. I do love Christmas lights… perhaps they’re not super classy, but they add such a warm glow.


What gratitudes have graced your week?



  1. Taryn Kae Wilson

    Hello dear Lindsey!!
    Thanks for your comment, it always brightens my day to hear from you.

    I look forward to reading your list every Sunday. It’s a joyful part of my week! Love this tradition.

    I’m glad you were feeling really mentally positive this week. I had my bouts with grouchiness and negativity, but I’m feeling much better now. 🙂 Remembering to be grateful and not take things forgranted helps snap me out of my funk when I start feeling sorry for myself too much. 🙂

    Sounds like you had some amazing weather- shorts and t-shirts- wow!

    I’m proud of you for just going with the flow, with how your body felt. Sometimes I fight against my body and it’s so silly. Like when I’m tired, it feels good to sleep! 🙂

    I cracked up at your comment last week about the sage smelling like marajuana. One time I saged my mom’s house and she came back and wondered if someone had smoked pot there. haha.

    Thanks for the reminder that bad dreams contain important messages. That was good for me to hear. I tend to push the bad dreams away, but I know they tell me so much.

    I know what you mean about not being ready to finish a book until the time is right.

    So glad you have your hubby, parents and cat! Surrounded with so much love!

    I love the way the christmas lights look in your kitchen. We call them faery lights sometimes.

    Wishing you a wonderful week!!

    Love, Taryn

    P.S. It would be so fun for you to visit!!

  2. Trish

    I love your Christmas fairy lights…they are warm and lovely…just like you.
    You are amazing and have such strength of character to deal with your illness the way you have…you are an inspiration.
    I wish you good dreams and good days.
    Much love to you.

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