Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Our Clothespin Holder

Just wanted to share with you our clothespin holder that I’m really liking. We thought about buying or making a clothespin bag that would ride along the clothesline, but I didn’t want a metal hanger (metal dragging along metal is irritating), and I also didn’t want something deep that I’d have to repeatedly dig my hand into.

This shallow basket attached to the line with a simple length of yarn tied into a bow is just right. It rides quietly and smoothly along the line, and is easy to remove in the event of rain.



  1. snowpeas

    It’s perfect! …and nice to look at while it’s hanging there, too 🙂 I remember my mother (who didn’t own a dryer and hung clothes on the line 5-6 days a week for almost 40 years, winter included) made a clothespin bag from an old t-shirt, on a hanger, sewed at the bottom. Not so pretty but it held a lot of clothespins for a family of 9!! (She never asked for help hanging out clothes–she loved that job.)

  2. Lindsey

    I LOVE this story!!!!!!! Clothespins for a family of 9, woahh!

  3. Taryn Kae Wilson

    Good idea. Little things can make life so much easier. 🙂

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