Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Gratitude Sunday * September 2, 2012

~ I’m once again joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition. ~

Gratitude Sunday is a time to slow down and remember those thankful moments that graced our week. One reason I love keeping a daily gratitude journal is because it helps keep things in perspective for me. Each Sunday, I open my journal and share some of those moments with you here. If you’d like to join in, just leave a comment!

Gratitude is powerful energy. I love hearing others’ gratitudes!


– Hanging low, and making excellent use of the front and back porches. I’ve been feeling pretty worn out lately both from drug side effects and pushing my body too far, and it’s a relief to just rest.

–  This house and yard of ours!!!

– Cookies baked in the solar oven.

– My mom giving me a ride to a doctor appointment, so that I wouldn’t need to take a bus across town. I appreciated that so, so much, and it was so nice to have her company too. Thanks Mom.

– The promise of autumn. I’m gettin’ pretty sick of this record-breaking summer heat, and it’s a happy thought that autumn’s just around the corner!

– Datura flowers in a vase to scent the night air in the house.

– A moon bath on the back yard grass, under that incredible full moon!

– Making yogurt in the solar oven. Turned out great! (Boiled the milk in it, then brought it back up onto the porch and the jar incubated with the residual heat.)

– A new nighttime bug sound around our place. To me it’s the sound of muggy nights in Los Angeles, so it evokes the feeling of vacation!

– Sweet tenderness and affection from F. How he loves me and always makes sure I know that. ♥

– The gentle rain that’s falling as I write this out on the back porch. We haven’t had rain in so long!

– Sitting outside after dark with F, soaking in the evening.

– Playing the piano at 11pm. #1 because we have a piano (!) and #2 because we don’t have to be quiet since we no longer share walls or floors with anyone!!

– Setting glass bowls and vases of water outside to soak up the light and energy of the full moon. Drinking some of it the next day, and setting the rest around the house.

– A nice bike ride to the store with F yesterday; it righted my mood and it’s always fun going on errands together.



How about you? What are some of the nice things that have happened to you this week?



  1. Taryn Kae Wilson

    I first clicked your link and said WOW when I saw your flower picture at the top. The colors are electrifying. So beautiful.

    I’m so glad you’ve been able to rest when you need it. Good job listening to what your body needs.

    That’s so sweet your mom drove you to your appointment. Being cared for and nurtured by your mom is such a good feeling, isn’t it?

    I love hearing how affection F is, the love between you two is so sweet.

    Wishing you a relaxing Sunday evening.

    Sending you a big hug dear friend!
    Love, Taryn

  2. snowpeas

    Nice list! Looks like your life has settled down now from the move and you are relishing everything thing and I mean everything about your new place! 🙂 I love how you are so appreciative! I agree…bring on the Fall!

  3. paPA

    I agree with Taryn, that’s an exquisite photo and the saturated color of that morning glory is outrageous. I always loved going outside and greeting the morning glories on the fence and gate as I was on my way to work. They always made me feel good when I said good morning to them.

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