Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Morning Hoar Frost

It’s almost springtime already — how are you?!

Before winter is over, I must show you the frosty fairyland we woke up to one foggy morning in November, one of my favorite months. February is another one of my favorite months, and I’ll be sorry to see it go.

This morning I began thinking about my upcoming garden year, deciding about the steps I’ll take to wake up the garden this year, jotting down the order I’ll do them in so I don’t forget. I do things differently each year, hopefully evolving toward more efficiency and less input from me, meaning less of a drain on my energy, while maintaining a reasonable level of vegetable productivity.

Among my thoughts for this year… mowing the weeds in between the garden rows instead of pulling them; doubling the distance between tomato plants; interspersing my high-pest crops (cabbage, squash) throughout the garden instead of planting them in blocks as I have in the past; more flowers; planting a slew of dill everywhere since my observation has been that dill is a tip-top favorite of many(!!) types of beneficial insects; and no forking to loosen the soil in the rows as I have in the past — I’d like to eliminate this energy-intensive step, and instead just score a couple-inch-deep line in the soil for the rows of seeds.

It’s always an experiment!

Anyway, look at how beautiful this particular morning was! We don’t often get treated to this kind of thing; it was a special morning.



  1. pP

    nice set of fotos. imagine, bonding with frosty weather! it would be nice if it came to you a bit more frequently. it’s hard to pick out a favorite.
    nice job vern…

  2. snowpeas

    Wow!! These photos are spectacular! I think this phenomenon of nature is one of the most beautiful and you captured it so well. What a gorgeous morning!
    I like your ideas for making adjustments to this year’s garden from info gleaned from previous gardens. Let us know how they worked! 😀 <3<3

  3. Lindsey

    Thanks pP!! Yes, hard to pick a favorite. Everything looked so neat outside…

  4. Lindsey

    Thank you Snowpeas!! It sure was a special morning. I will let you know how the garden goes this year; I’m really hoping for less intensive effort on my part.

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