18-inch Cocozelle Zucchini from the garden (5 lbs)

18-inch Cocozelle Zucchini from the garden (5 lbs)

I felt so proud when I harvested some more zucchinis yesterday! For some reason, they’re just going NUTS this year. My zucchinis don’t always do this well. Nope. I’m still trying to figure out why they do so well when they do!

In other news, I harvested two barely-ripe cherry tomatoes yesterday — the first tomatoes of the season. 🙁 We’ve had an unusually cold, wet spring and summer so far (I love it!), so the delay is understandable! I’m trying to wait patiently, but I keep thinking about past years when we were drowning in [luscious organic heirloom] tomatoes by now. And I just realized I have 18 tomato plants in the garden this year! (Gee, think that’ll be enough??!)

How are your zucchinis doing? Do you have a trick for getting them to do consistently well every year??