Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Philosophy Friday: When Ya Gotta Give In, Ya Gotta Give In

Normally I’m really good about staying away from junk food. I would rather go hungry than eat fast food, I almost never buy prepackaged crackers or chips or cookies, and even though sugar is my weak spot, I try to make it unrefined sugar as often as possible. And when I’m at a party or function and there’s junk food, I don’t go crazy. (Wait, maybe that’s because I don’t really go to parties or functions. Huh.)

Even still…I’m all about health and nourishing food, but sometimes I just crave a good ole rotten bag of Lay’s Potato Chips. That’s right mate: salt-coated highly refined vegetable oil with some potato slices thrown in for crunch. I never buy them normally; that’s a lot of calories for zero nutrition.

And yet today, the siren song of that yellow bag drowned out all my reasons to not eat them. The bag sat there in the vending machine, only a thin pane of glass and a dollar bill between me and it. I stood there a while, debating.

And then I bought it.

And ate the whole frickin’ bag.

And they were worth   E  V  E  R  Y      S   I   N   G   L   E         C    A    L    O     R      I       E.

With junk, don’t give in very often. But sometimes…very rarely so that it’s a real treat when you do…GIVE IN.


  1. Mary

    A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do! Life is too short to deny yourself indulgences once in a while.

  2. Sasha

    I hear you, sometimes it just has to be salty, fried and out of a vending machine. A strong foundation of healthy living can afford such detours; I think that’s the definition of balance. Now pass the bag.. 😉

  3. Lindsey

    Absolutely Sasha, I agree. For myself, I feel like my diet is very nourishing the majority of the time, and so I am quite OK having a fun treats now and then!

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