Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Gratitude Sunday * October 16, 2011


Sunday’s a good day to remember what we’ve been grateful for over the past week, don’t you think? I’m joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition, and here’s my list:

– October. I love love love this month. It’s so beautiful.

– More incredible weather yesterday! And being out in it, all day long.

– Food. Eating. Being able to eat. Never have I been so thankful for that. For a couple days this week I wasn’t able to keep anything down, and after I improved a bit…even just back to my current ‘new normal’ of small amounts of very light foods, I experienced an entirely new level of gratitude for food — especially the foods I really want to eat like fruits, and my fresh garden produce (and not just the BRAT diet!). Yesterday I was able to eat a little bit of spaghetti with my mom’s homemade sauce, and aside from being a triumph for my tummy, it was the most incredible tasting thing! It’s amazing how different one thing can look, depending on your perspective. Eating just a simple bowl of garden tomatoes, cucumbers, soaked & solar-cooked quinoa, with chives, salt, pepper, and a bit of red wine vinegar yesterday felt like being able to actually eat heaven.

– That this past week is over. It was such a battering, defeating, awful week; it’s over and done with, and thank farking goodness for that.

– My family. Always. Even if I don’t write it here every week, they are always on the list.

– Hearing my cat’s precious little voice, and the way she answers my questions with the appropriate intonations…and then questions me. She’s a master of language even without words.

– A wonderful day yesterday. It’s like I got a break from being sick, it was the most incredible feeling! Like someone finally said “Um, seriously guys, she’s about to crack; I think we need to give ‘er this one.” I have such a new appreciation for simply feeling even just “yeah, pretty good!”. Again, it’s all about perspective. I will never again take “feeling normal” for granted. Yesterday reminded me what normal felt like, since I’d actually forgotten quite a while ago. It felt INCREDIBLE!

– My folks got home safely from their vacation. That’s always such a relief, when loved ones return home, safe and sound, healthy and happy, and all is well and normal.

– Being up on the roof of the house yesterday with my dad! For some reason it’s so fun to be on the roof! Such a new perspective on the house, the yard, the neighborhood…and it’s always fun to hang out with my dad doing ‘man’ stuff together, heehee, like inspecting the roof. Here’s a whole new perspective on the garden! (This week was full of new perspectives, wasn’t it…hmmm…)

– My wonderful hubby ever-so-gently and tenderly stroking my face and hair during a bout of utter lifeless despair; and feeling all that love pouring out of his hands. I needed that so much, and having him there with me, just being present with me in that un-glorious moment, was such a gift.

– That frost hasn’t gotten the garden quite yet!

– That since I don’t have a regular cubicle job anymore, I don’t have to masquerade as someone I’m not and pretend to like everyone and make smalltalk with them. What a total waste of energy. I remember thinking “it’s not the actual job that sucks up all my energy, it’s the people!” I’m so thankful that I finally quit that silliness, and instead I am home, being myself, spending my energy on things that actually matter to me.

– Hubby surprising me with two new packages of canning jars! YAY! Thank you!!

– Baking 3 winter squashes today from the farmer’s market this morning. Combining the butternut and acorn flesh to can (tomorrow maybe?), and keeping the kabocha flesh separate to eat plain! I thought the other two were my favorite until I tried kabocha in New Zealand, where ‘pumpkin’ (there are several varieties of squash that are called ‘pumpkin’) is very popular — pumpkin soup is big, and they eat pumpkin as a side dish with dinner as frequently as Americans might serve potatoes.

– A fun time at the zoo with my mom, on a beautiful golden afternoon! And, finding peacock feathers to add to my feather collection!


What blessings have you appreciated throughout your week? Leave a comment and let us know!



  1. Trish

    Feather collections are wonderful!
    Sorry you have such awful occasions when you are so ill. I had a migraine last Thursday. I was so sick and I still cannot summon the energy to do much, and I don’t have any appetite. I am taking a few days sick off work and not doing anything ( apart from knit and read ).
    Hope this week is a good one for you.
    Much love

  2. Taryn Kae Wilson

    I look forward to connecting with you every Sunday! 🙂

    Beautiful gratitude list. To find things to be grateful for in the midst of very challenging times, is a powerful choice.

    I love October too! What a beautiful month!

    I know what you mean about being grateful for eating! When I was sick recently it was hard to eat anything. Then when I could, it tasted so good! When I got my appetite back I was ravenous and food tasted more incredible than ever. My gratitude to be able to eat was deepened immensely.

    I love the picture of your cat! Beautiful! And so sweet.

    I love the perspective from up on the roof too! When I was a kid, I thought that was the funnest thing (and still do, though don’t remember the last time I was on a roof..)

    Your garden looks great.

    I’m so grateful you have your loving husband and supportive family to help you through! For some reason you kept popping into my head all last week. I had a feeling you weren’t feeling well. I bet you’ve had quite enough of challenging weeks, huh? Thinking of you and sending you a big hug!

    I know what you mean about the relief of not having to masquerade as someone your not. The less I pretend, the better I feel. Pretending makes me feel trapped in a cage.

    I’ve been wondering about canning winter squash.

    Hope this week is much lighter and easier!

    All My Love, Taryn

  3. snowpeas

    It boggles my mind that you could find so much to be grateful for in the midst of such an awful week. What a beautiful gratitude list. Thank you–it is a pleasure to read. Hope you have a very normal week! <3<3

  4. Lindsey

    Trish, thanks so much for your sweet comment, as always. With this illness, I’ve had what I think might be migraines. I have never experienced anything like them before — and wow, they’re hell. Extra blessings to you as you heal. Good for you for taking time off work to nurture & heal yourself, instead of just “pushing through.”
    Hope this coming week is good for you too.
    Much love,

  5. Lindsey

    So wonderful to hear from you. I keep meaning to email you — soon!!!
    Feeling “trapped in a cage” — that’s one of my sayings too! And oh my, there’s nothing that can kill a spirit faster….
    I’ve never canned winter squash either, but can’t imagine it’s too much different from, say, applesauce.

    Thank you so much for your love and hugs and support through the airwaves… that means so much.

  6. Lindsey

    Snowpeas, I know, sometimes the gratitude lists are mighty slim at the end of those days. But still, there’s stuff to appreciate!
    I hope I have a very normal week too! You too!

    Love to you,

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