Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Gratitude Sunday * November 27, 2011

Sunday’s a good day to remember what we’ve been grateful for over the past week, don’t you think? I’m joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition, and here’s my list:

– That this awful illness is treatable and that I’m finally getting treated. That is so huge. To think I might eventually feel better again and get to have my life back. I was afraid that would never happen.

– Grateful for memories. During difficult times in bed where I’m feeling more awful than I ever have in my life, I can disappear into my mind and memories, and instantly transport myself in time!

– Four reiki sessions from a friend. The most wonderful, useful, healing gift!

– That the drugs make me nauseous and tired, rather than nauseous with insomnia! Now that would be really bad, hah. So at least I’m sleeping well! And in my opinion (as I learned while healing from past surgeries), sleep is the absolute hands-down best healer there is. Period.

– Raw, fresh pomegranate juice. Mmmmmm!

– A wonderful care package from my sister — a bath bomb and soap to treat myself to a hot bath! Thank you Julie!!! I loved that!!

– My hubby, F. He makes me laugh and showers me with love, and I am so lucky that he is a part of my life!

– A relaxing, wonderful Thanksgiving! And feeling well enough to eat little bits of the delicious homemade food ~~ it tasted so good.

– Watching our annual Thanksgiving-night movie, A Christmas Story. I just love that movie!

– The Christmas season. There’s so much that’s beautiful and special at this time of year.

– My family, who are all so good to me and take such good care of me.

– Nothing to do yesterday except lie around and watch cooking shows and rest and heal. It’s easier to relax when you don’t have anything hanging over you.

– Today, going with my mom to a local garden center for their holiday open house. Seeing all the Christmas decorations and a sea of pointsettias, while drinking hot mulled apple cider. Feeling so sick, but being so glad to be out — in life — in the pretty weather, with my mom, doing something fun!

– Soaking up the sun on a bench in the local park today while my parents took a walk on the path.

– Feeling peaceful and accepting on the days when I’m still sick in bed at 2:30pm. Knowing that I’m healing and this will not last forever. And meanwhile enjoying the sun flooding through the windows, the quiet of the house, and watching our neighbor squirrels chasing around the catalpa tree outside the window.

– Our space heater. I’m really grateful for it.


What has made you feel blessed this week?



  1. Aja

    You are so amazing – being grateful even when you are not feeling well. I am so very glad to hear you got a diagnosis and now hopefully the healing journey can deepen for the better! Sending love and healing vibes your way 🙂

  2. Lindsey

    Hi Aja!
    Yes, I’m definitely ready to be making some major healing headway, that’s for sure. How are you doing? Thinking of you, and can’t wait to visit your blog soon to catch up with what you’ve been up to.
    Sending love and healing vibes back to you, too!
    Have a good week this week,

  3. Taryn Kae Wilson

    Hi Lindsey!
    It’s so good to be home from Holiday Market and having a quiet moment to read your gratitude list.

    Sounds like you’ve been finding some answers! That’s wonderful! Hope you will be feeling some relief soon.
    I agree that sleep is the best healer. I LOVE sleep! 🙂
    A Christmas Story is such a fun movie.
    So glad you have wonderful family- hubby, sister and parents to give you support and love!

    Big hugs to you!

    Oh yes- and I LOVE your picture. Simply stunning. It gives such a good feeling.

  4. Jane

    Lindsey’s diagnosis, so that she can finally let the healing begin.

    Such a pleasant family to gather with on Thanksgiving and the incredible sun light that occasionally broke thru the foggy haze obscuring most of the shore line of beautiful, Big Glen Lake, where we were gathered…like Avalon appearing in the distance for a few moments.

    The opportunity to get lost in a creative project for my granddaughter’s 5th birthday present.

    A list-less Saturday…not a “to-do” list in sight. Made for a fun, relaxing day.

    The last outdoor projects finished…let the snow begin!

    The “Fire Chief” woodfurnace in the basement keeping the house, and us, toasty warm.

    SUN…in northern Michigan, in November!

  5. Lindsey

    I LOVE your list, Jane!! Wonderful to hear of your list-less Saturday & that your outdoor projects are complete, and that you & your trusty Fire Chief are ready for snow! mmm~ I love snow 🙂
    The sunlight on Thanksgiving sounds totally ethereal, wish I’d seen it with you!

    Much love,

  6. Lindsey

    So wonderful to hear from you Taryn, I have been meaning to comment on a couple of your recent posts — soon!!
    I wish I could come visit your booth at Holiday Market. 🙂
    So much love to you,

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