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Category: Thoughts + Inspiration (Page 12 of 18)

Gratitude Sunday * May 29, 2011

Sunday’s a good day to remember what we’ve been grateful for over the past week, don’t you think? I’m joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition, and here’s my list:

– That we live close to everything we need, don’t need to own a car, and can transport ourselves by bike, foot, and occasionally bus.

– The library!!

– The good, nourishing food in our fridge.

– The sun flooding into our apartment in the evening…and our apartment in general; it’s the top floor of a 100-year-old house and has charming vaulted ceilings and stained glass windows. It’s a neat space.

– Grateful to be in my garden — instead of a cubicle — on a Friday afternoon.

– Incredible garden produce we’ve been harvesting! It makes my soul sing to be able to eat straight out of the garden.

– Wasps — they’re irritating and aggressive, but they sure do take care of the aphids!

– Lushness and greenery everywhere thanks to all the rain.

– My wonderful Hubby stopping at the store on his way home this week to bring me groceries that I didn’t feel well enough to get myself.

– Not having to report to a supervisor at work…and not feeling like someone’s slave anymore.

– Quiet, still moments.

– Sitting by candlelight, not caring how late it is, Federico Aubele in my headphones, writing in my journal, rain falling outside.

– Watching my cat have a party with the catnip I picked for her!

– This time of the year.

– Bit the bullet and got a dreaded, long-overdue doctor appointment over-with. I don’t see eye-to-eye with so much of western medicine, but I feel grateful for the doctor I have. I’ve never really needed to go see him before, but he’s good. And instead of leaving the appointment feeling scrambled, drained, and off-balance as I usually do after a doctor visit, I left there feeling calm and centered…and feeling like I’m in good hands. And I appreciated that he listened intently and took all the time that was needed for me to lay everything out.

– Testing out my new ultralight solar cooker “design” (reflective windshield sunshade & a binder clip!) by cooking black beans, brown rice, and a rhubarb crisp; a total success!

Rhubarb crisp baking in the solar cooker

Solar-cooked, homegrown rhubarb crisp!

What about you? What have you been grateful for this week? Leave a comment!


Gratitude Sunday * May 22, 2011

Sunday’s a good day to remember what we’ve been grateful for over the past week, don’t you think? I’m joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition, and here’s my list:

– All the incredible rain we’ve been getting, and then a gorgeous weekend!

– Rainy days & getting to stay cozy inside.

– Steaming mug of maté with milk. I love love love it!

– Being able to work from home, on my own schedule.

– Tax refund check in the mail — I’d completely forgotten it was coming! Nice surprise.

– Sprouted lentils & soaked brown rice cooked with chicken bone broth & a bay leaf. So delicious, and gentle on my still-feeling-delicate-from-the-flu tummy.

– Buying some beautiful flowers to plant outside in the pot next to our door. (photo below)

What about you? What have you been grateful for this week? Leave a comment!

A Quiet, Rainy Day

There’s nothing like a cozy, rainy day. I’m loving all the rain we’ve been getting lately, and loving the amazing lushness it’s creating all over the city. I’ve always wanted to live in greener, lusher surroundings…and suddenly I do! It probably won’t last, and summer’s heat will be here soon enough, so I’m really savoring this days-and-days-of-rain pattern. I don’t like biking in the rain, and don’t have anywhere I need to be, so I’ve just been hanging low and staying home. Bliss!

I’m also feeling thankful for being able to work from home. After 5 years of working in a dark basement cubicle with no natural light, it feels like heaven to be doing work whilst sitting by the bedroom window, listening to the rain, sipping tea…nice n’ cozy in my slippers and robe (which Hubby and I call “The Hugh Hefner Robe” because of its luxurious red-velour-like resemblance to something likely to be found in the Playboy mansion!).

So what’s the weather been up to in your area?

Gratitude Sunday * May 15, 2011

My lovely friend Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots has started a new tradition — Gratitude Sunday. Sunday’s a quiet and contemplative day, and a good day to share what we’ve been grateful for over the past week.

Each night I write in my gratitude journal at least 3 things that I’m grateful for that day, though the list is often much longer. I love this quiet ritual, and I also love going back through past years’ journals to see what I was doing “this day six years ago.”

So feel free to participate! What are you grateful for? Leave a comment!


Here’s what I’ve been grateful for this past week:

– An amazing almost-3″ of rain that we desperately needed.

– A string of misty, cool, cloudy, wet, green days this week! Love them!

– A mug of hot tea on a chilly, rainy night.

– Waking up to an incredible dawn chorus of birds this morning, before the city noise began.

– Space heater to press my feet against.

– Spending time in my garden on a priceless glorious evening.

– Taking a break from garden work to eat watermelon with my neighbor on her lovely back porch. She’s 81 (acts like 61!) and is like a grandmother to me. We have a special bond. 🙂

– A magical bike ride at dusk.

– The garden’s growing so well!

– Eating salads where every single thing is homegrown.

– Cool spring air. Our apartment is comfortable and not yet too hot. I’m savoring it!

– Doing some contract work for my former employer; it feels good to use my knowledge and “expertise” again, and we both benefit — they get good work done by someone who knows the ropes of the place, and I get to earn some side money.

– Finishing a big, brain-frying project for them that I worked on all week; it seemed like it would never end, and it involved aggravating sentences like: The company will integrate event escalation procedures to identify incidents that require declaration of an incident. And… All data encryption keys must be stored encrypted and in a secure location. Key-encrypting keys must be stored separate from data-encrypting keys within applicable applications. But it’s done! It ended, I’m happy with how it turned out, and I sent it off tonight. That feels good!

– Not working a daily 9-5 job — just doing contract work from home.

– Got 3 loads of laundry done this weekend.

– Having fresh lilacs and lily-of-the-valley in vases around the house, and smelling them as I pass by.

– Eating a lime-juice popsicle. It tasted so good!

– A quiet, subdued week. A good week.

Making Time for the Outdoors, Every Day

Today was a lost day, as some just turn out to be! I did almost nothing! But each and every day, I make sure to get out for a walk. It’s a wonder what a brisk walk outdoors can do — feeling the chilly breeze across your face, squinting into the sun, and hearing robins singing in stereo from trees all around you…all while breathing deeply and moving your body.

Today was chilly and refreshing. I walked to a favorite destination, with a bag over my shoulder filled with hot tea in a thermos, mittens, and my camera…

Tea + Nature = Happy!


Look what else I saw!

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