Ohh these gentle, soulful days — the heavenly opposite of my former workdays! I am so enjoying this. I feel like my soul is coming to life again because I’m spending my energy on things that actually matter to me!
Surprisingly, the feeling of lightness wasn’t immediate. Last week was a little unsettled and I felt like I was in limbo, dreaming, afraid I’d wake up and realize that Sike! Fun’s over. You knew that was too good to be true.
I also felt kind of…delinquent — which isn’t quite the word, but it’s close enough. Sort of like, shouldn’t I still be doing the wage-slave thing like everyone else? Hah; so ingrained is our cultural conditioning! Job=Good, No Job=Bad. And don’t forget the ever-popular Money Before Happiness! Sheesh. I’m slowly shaking off that kind of twisted thinking! 🙂
Right now all I want to do is be in a cocoon; lay low, recover, and heal my stress-worn body. Lots of sleeping, reading, preparing good nourishing food, drinking lots of nutrient-rich herbal tea, playing soothing Steven Halpern CDs as I go about my day, and following the sun around the house like a cat! But with each passing day, I’m feeling less groundless and transitional, and more into my new groove with a definite spring in my step!
Here are some random pictures of my days.
What are some of your favorite ways to spend a quiet February day?

Glorious morning sunshine. I like to eat my breakfast there on the floor!

Nourishing breakfast of soaked teff porridge w/pumpkin seeds & dried cherries, organic fruit, and Russian Caravan tea

Baking some Almond Thumbprints & Chocolate Orange Macaroons

Trip to our favorite Natural Grocers health food store for some organic delights: Dandelion greens, StingStop for my venom shots, bananas for smoothies, apples for applesauce, grassfed cream, soybeans for making natto, banana chips (treat!), celery, lemons for lemon water & salad dressing, dried alfalfa for tea, and fluoride-free toothpaste.

Sun-filled afternoon reading nook

Day's end