Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Category: Thoughts + Inspiration (Page 15 of 18)

An Autumn Road Trip!

Last weekend (Oct 8-11) we went on the most wonderful little road trip through our beautiful state of Colorado! It was a spur-of-the-moment decision; we didn’t have a plan, or even a map! We just got up and went.

Thursday night Hubby came home talking about a trip to the mountains to see the fall colors, and by Friday afternoon we had rented a car and were on the road. Although we had originally planned to camp, we decided not to when we got up to Breckenridge and there were snowflakes in the air! The aspen leaves are done, and winter has arrived up there; it was awfully cold! We needed to go south if we were going to see any fall colors. And so Saturday was a beautiful drive down through the Arkansas river valley past Buena Vista and onto Gunnison where we stayed the night. We were up early Sunday morning and on the road by 8am, stopping for breakfast and tea at a little coffee shop in town, which is something we never do normally, so it really felt like vacation. And being on vacation always makes me re-appreciate hot tea! I normally drink multiple cups of tea throughout the day whenever I want — but on vacation, hot tea becomes a commodity because it’s not readily available. It’s nice when you gain a whole new appreciation for something in your everyday life, isn’t it!

Anyway, Sunday we drove to Ouray in the southwestern area of the state – stopping many times along the way to take pictures and absorb the beauty and the fall colors. There’s such a variety of landforms in that area; I had no idea! The huge and jagged San Juan mountains were an incredible sight. And Ouray! What a place! It’s a sweet little historic town from the late 1800s, dwarfed by steep canyon walls all around. It’s aptly called the Switzerland of America, and even has a Matterhorn look-alike peak. If you find yourself in Colorado sometime, go to Ouray! Even if you live in Colorado, it’s a great destination. I had no idea how beautiful that part of our state is!

While looking for a place to stay the night in Ouray, we stumbled upon the Wiesbaden Hot Springs Spa and asked to see a few of their rooms. They were a little out of the price range we wanted to spend, but upon seeing the little cabin on the hill with screen door and wood burning stove, we had to have it. At $200 a night, it was somewhat overpriced we thought — a definite splurge — but the experience was great. I dream of one day living in a place like that, and it was so fun to “play house” in it, even for just one night. Staying in that little cabin in nature, my heart got a taste of what it loves…and it was very hard to leave and drive back home. Very hard; tears were shed!

One’s heart does not lie; when you’re doing something against your heart’s will, it hurts. F. and I long to quit our rat-race jobs, buy property, and live closer to the earth. It’s been getting pretty difficult lately to get up and go to work each morning since it’s really not what my heart loves (he’s in the same situation with his job too)…but earning and saving money for a homestead is our priority right now. We yearn for a piece of land where we can have chickens, goats, gardens, fruit trees, and a creek for fishing; a slower pace, closer to nature. The desire is screaming louder and louder. It’s hard when you know you’re moving toward something you want, but you’re not close enough yet to see how it’s all going to work out.

Anyway, that’s a topic for another day. Here are some pictures from our much-needed getaway!

Breckenridge from our balcony

Highway 285 south of Fairplay

Lunch on the road: Garden tomato, Comte cheese, avocado, sourdough bread, salt & pepper.

Highway art! An artificial Christmas tree branch, flattened and spontaneously shaped into a sculpture by car tires.

Poncha Springs area

Summit of Monarch Pass

Dillon Pinnacles

Near Ridgway, CO

Ouray, CO

Wiesbaden Hot Springs Hill House

Inside the Hill House cabin

Rustic candlelight dinner in the cabin: grilled sausage, boiled potatoes with butter, sauteed onions. Tea lights in a sierra cup. A bouquet of autumn leaves. Our kind of romance! 🙂

Baby deer with Mom and another female, right next to our cabin!

This deer came within a foot of my outstretched hand!

Philosophy Friday: When Ya Gotta Give In, Ya Gotta Give In

Normally I’m really good about staying away from junk food. I would rather go hungry than eat fast food, I almost never buy prepackaged crackers or chips or cookies, and even though sugar is my weak spot, I try to make it unrefined sugar as often as possible. And when I’m at a party or function and there’s junk food, I don’t go crazy. (Wait, maybe that’s because I don’t really go to parties or functions. Huh.)

Even still…I’m all about health and nourishing food, but sometimes I just crave a good ole rotten bag of Lay’s Potato Chips. That’s right mate: salt-coated highly refined vegetable oil with some potato slices thrown in for crunch. I never buy them normally; that’s a lot of calories for zero nutrition.

And yet today, the siren song of that yellow bag drowned out all my reasons to not eat them. The bag sat there in the vending machine, only a thin pane of glass and a dollar bill between me and it. I stood there a while, debating.

And then I bought it.

And ate the whole frickin’ bag.

And they were worth   E  V  E  R  Y      S   I   N   G   L   E         C    A    L    O     R      I       E.

With junk, don’t give in very often. But sometimes…very rarely so that it’s a real treat when you do…GIVE IN.

Why Buying Locally is Not Always Better

(First of all, sorry — this is going to be a long post. But stick with me here… 🙂 )

We’ve all heard the call to “go local” with what we buy, and I generally agree with this. However, sometimes there are exceptions, and I think it’s important to keep this in mind when we purchase things. Because when we purchase things, we vote with our money. Through our money, we actually decide which businesses will flourish, and which ones will not. We, as consumers, have power!

While we should buy local when we can, I feel that it’s actually more important to support businesses with integrity, even if they aren’t local to us.

Let me share a personal example with you:

There is a local company, based in Colorado, called The Savory Spice Shop. There is another company, based in Wisconsin, called Penzeys Spices. I live in Colorado, and I visited The Savory Spice Shop back when it first opened about 5 or 6 years ago. Having a local store dedicated to spices was a novel thing, and I went there a couple times that year.

However, since that time, I have completely avoided The Savory Spice Shop because of a negative experience I had there. I had called them up to place an order that I wanted to pick up later in the day, and spoke with the owner, Mike Johnston, who asked me to email him my order. He spelled out his email address to me, and I remember thinking it was an odd address because his name was misspelled…but when I read the address back to him, he said it was correct. Later in the day when I went to get my order, he was quite annoyed with me. Evidently he had given me the wrong email address over the phone, but blamed it on me, telling me I must have copied it down wrong, and told me how long it had taken him to search around his computer and find my email order. After receiving such poor customer “service”, I never gave my business to that company again.

Meanwhile, my mom introduced me to Penzeys Spices, based in Wisconsin. She gave me a Penzeys catalog, and I’ve been happily doing business with them ever since, even though they’re not a local company. The difference to me is that Penzeys has integrity; every single interaction I’ve had with them over the years has been easy and friendly. I love this company! And I would much rather spend my money at a company I like and that values their customers, regardless of whether they’re local or not. (And as a side note, the Penzeys catalog is fantastic; in addition to all their yummy spices, it’s filled with personal stories, pictures, and recipes from their customers. They’re not paying me to say this, by the way; I just really love their catalog, and their company in general.)

Interestingly…the story doesn’t end there. Penzeys is opening up stores in Colorado, and they’ve gotten some negative feedback accusing them of invading the territory of The Savory Spice Shop. But it turns out that The Savory Spice Shop has quite a dark history, and in reality, they’re the impostor — not Penzeys.

Bill Penzey, the owner of Penzeys, recently sent out the following email to people in Colorado. It’s very interesting, and definitely worth reading:

I just want to let you know how excited I am that Penzeys will be opening a store in both Boulder and Colorado Springs in the next couple of months. I have a great respect for your part of the country. Time passes everywhere and we are all moving towards the future, but to me this area is one of the few spots where the future is actively and successfully being created. Where people take joy in looking beyond the day-to-day. Thinking not only about the impact of their actions, but also figuring out what actions might in the future create a better world for all of us. And not only are you thinking these thoughts, you then actually get up off the couch and do them. Very cool. I so look forward to being a part of that.

I also understand that there is another company that sells spices in the Denver area, and with our opening in Boulder and Colorado Springs there have been negative statements made about Penzeys, about me, and about my motivations for coming to the area. That I am doing this because I want to be the “Wal-mart of Spices.” I have tried to simply ignore these comments and let what we do in our stores speak for who we are. But these days this really does not work. Not commenting is seen as the same thing as saying, “Yes, it is totally true.”

So, some comments.

The other spice business in the Denver area has a history with my family. The person who started it worked for a period of time at my sister Patty and brother-in-law Tom’s spice store in Chicago. Patty and Tom’s Chicago store is an offshoot of the spice store that my parents, myself, my sister Pam, and many others built on the near northwest side of Milwaukee. The fact is this “Denver” business was started in Chicago in the middle of the night when its founder used his key, took Patty and Tom’s blend book to Kinko’s, and photocopied the entire thing.

I understand that we’ve all done stupid things that we later regret. But what will always stick with me is that when confronted about what they did after opening their store, and selling exactly those blends, they refused to stop. Ultimately it cost Patty and Tom a tremendous sum of money, most of their savings, for court costs to try to get these people to do the right thing. When their blend book showed up in court it was still in Tom’s sister’s handwriting. They never even bothered to recopy it.

Newspaper stories from their startup still live on the web. The Colorado Springs Gazette:

“So when I heard about a place called the Savory Spice Shop opening in Denver, I couldn’t wait to see if it would be like the shop in Chicago. And, though it’s not related, it is almost identical in almost every detail, from the candied ginger and dehydrated corn samples on the checkout counter to the water cooler with tiny blue cups.”

Their story has changed over time, but is consistent in always telling the story they believe works best. The Denver Business Journal:

“Johnson grew up in his family’s spice business”

Today their story is that they moved from their home in Chicago to Denver because of the weather, but the original story was very different. Once again from the Colorado Springs Gazette:

“Johnston and Chambers got their inspiration from a contest sponsored by Penzeys Spices, a Wisconsin company that has long sold spices through catalogs and retail stores…’The Penzey company did a survey asking customers to write in about why they would like to have a spice store in their town,’ said Johnston, who worked at the Chicago store for about a year and a half. ‘Colorado Springs and Denver were in the top 10 towns.'”

Without their business investors, franchise sales, and food media connections we can’t open stores as quickly as they can, so it is taking us some time to get to all the contest finalist cities. We are proud that our growth has been slow and steady and not about shortcuts. But really, if you intentionally copy the Penzey family business, and intentionally choose an area to launch your plans where our customers like us and want us to open stores, can you really be genuinely shocked when we open stores right where we promised we would?

Worst for me in all of this is the notion that my actions caused them to come to Denver. I just thought the contest would be fun and raise awareness, but I did not think about how others could then use the results to promote food not as a way to bring people together, but as a way to divide them. Looking back I now see the contest as a shortcut and something that was not who we are. It was a mistake. I am sorry. I will try to do better in the future.

At Penzeys we see cooking differently. To us cooking is something wonderful. We believe the simple act of making food and sharing it with others has the power to transform lives, to build communities, to make the world a better place. To us cooking is at its most powerful when each of us follows our own path without judgment from others. Good things happen when our own cooking is our own tale, the story of where we’ve come from, where we’ve been, and who we have met along the way.

For years the research has shown time and again how cooking and sharing food together leads to more positive and less negative outcomes in life. Science can tell us that time spent around the dinner table can turn off DNA sequences that otherwise would lead to violent behavior, but so far it has not told us why. I’ve been hanging out talking with cooks who were willing to go out of their way to get good spices since I was 10 years old. In these 37 years I have come to believe that the positive results of a life spent around the dinner table come from two things: validation and kindness.

When faced with good and bad choices in life so often our choice comes down to how we feel about ourselves. Without respect from others it is so hard to have respect for ourselves. There may be no better form of validation than getting food made just the way you like it. For birthdays my grandmother used to always let us choose not only our favorite cake, but our favorite frosting as well. Not much can make you feel more special than being seven years old and blowing out the candles on a banana cake with the special chocolate frosting made by your Gram.

Last Friday was my birthday and I had the same cake, this time made by my wife and six-year-old daughter. There really is a sanity that comes to life when we eat foods that recognize us for who we are, but cooking is about more than that, it is also about kindness. Cooking at its heart is an act of kindness. It is something we do without charge for the people around us. Make a salad for yourself and it all too often will be lettuce, tomato and dressing. Make a salad for you and someone else and suddenly it makes sense to grate some cheese or dig for a few more vegetables or maybe slice a hard-boiled egg. Why do we make more of an effort when we make something for others? Kindness.

Cooking is kindness and kindness works. It transforms people into families and families into communities. Where we have opened stores we have played a part in turning streets into communities. We have done this by respecting our customers and the cooking that makes them who they are. “Love to Cook-Cook to Love” is more than a motto for Penzeys, it is our reason to get better at what we do, to grow, and to improve. Our goal to do everything we can to help spread the kindness of cooking has pushed us to create a line of spices and seasonings beyond what anyone else is doing.

Now to see what we have spent so much time creating copied and stripped of its values to be sold as a commodity is heartbreaking for a lot of us here at Penzeys. I believe in the power of forgiving and forgetting, yet I just can’t bring myself to watch what I have worked for all my life being used to promote food not as a way to bring people together, but as a way to promote an elitism that is so destructive. I can’t put the genie back in the bottle. But for as long as we can keep up, wherever their stores spread their self-described “food snob” point of view, we will do our best to be there as well to spread our view of cooking as kindness.

These are our ideas. This is what we are looking forward to bringing to Boulder and Colorado Springs, a sincere appreciation for the richness that comes to our lives when we cook and how cooking ultimately is an act of kindness. That in reality, kindness is all around us.

Have a great weekend,

Bill Penzey

Philosophy Friday: When We Wish It Were Different, We Suffer

Temporarily back on crutches, this time for the left leg!

Several years ago during a difficult period of my life, I was into listening to Ram Dass talks on my MP3 player while I took walks out in nature. One particular point that I distinctly remember from those talks is “when we wish it were different, we suffer.” What Ram Dass was saying is that when we rail against life – against the way things have turned out – we suffer. We have our own idea of the way things should be…our own expectations (ooo those are insidious, aren’t they). And when life doesn’t follow our little ‘personal protocol,’ and we decide that a situation is “bad” rather than accepting it as simply a part of life, we suffer. We of course have a choice in how we react to what happens in our lives, and it takes real humility to gracefully accept what is rather than resist it and push against it and wish for a different outcome.

Case in point:

Last Friday I was going down the stairs on my way to work (having just gotten off crutches two days prior) when I stepped down wrong and sprained my good ankle. It rolled under me, popped, and I crumpled onto the stairs. Cursing it all, I sulked back up to the apartment and got my crutches. And with this unexpected turn of events, suddenly my bad foot was forced to be my good foot, which it was certainly not ready for. I went to the doctor and got x-rays just to make sure nothing was broken (nothing was!) and since I could hardly walk at all, I hung very low (literally) for the next few days and got around the house mostly by crawling on painful knees that have been carpet burned, bruised, re-bruised, and then bruised again by the previous 6 weeks of crawling around on our carpet and tile floors. I looked pathetic, with an air cast on one foot and a splint on the other. And to top it all off (oh yes, there’s more!), I even managed to burn the fingerprints right off my left hand. (I was standing in the kitchen, lost my balance, grabbed for the stove, and touched a very hot burner.) And I had a splitting headache.

It’s during times like this that we would do well to remember to just accept life as it comes; to not resist it. I did my best to accept the situation as it was, and not wish it were different. I didn’t totally succeed, but just having that thought in my mind helped me to step back and see the big picture, remembering that my limited mobility is only temporary. The real challenge, I think, is to apply this concept to permanent situations that are not — and never will be — ideal, such as chronic pain, permanent disability or disease, the premature death of a loved one, missed opportunities, lifelong regrets, etc. A tall order for sure, and one I’ll probably be forever working on!

So if there’s nothing we can do about an unpleasant situation, here’s to not wasting any more mental energy on wishing it were different!

(Epilogue: Now a week later, my ankle is doing much better and I’m walking without crutches again. I am so so glad. 🙂 )


Happy Easter to you!

We have a beautiful spring morning here today, and I hope you do, too. Easter is one of my favorite holidays (that, and Christmas)! My family and I will go out later this morning for a light brunch of crepes at a cute little French bistro not far away. I can’t wait! We used to do it up big for Easter, and go out to a fancy buffet brunch at a nice hotel (ohh how I loved that — it was SO special!), but these days, I’m quite happy with something more casual and light. As long as Easter involves chocolate and family, I’m good. 🙂

How about you — what are you doing for Easter today? Do you have any special Easter traditions?

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