Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Category: Thoughts + Inspiration (Page 7 of 18)


It was a beautiful day today! 60°+ temperatures and sunny. So spring-like, and it made me feel like doing some spring freshening of the house. Consequently, there was lots of laundry-doing, floor-sweeping, vacuuming, and airing out of rugs and bedding. The windows were open, and I burned a stick of my favorite piñon pine incense that I bought in Santa Fe. I carried it around to all the rooms, and into the corners and crevices of each room, clearing any stagnant energy that might be lurking. In addition to making the house smell wonderful, the incense smoke is thought to be good for cleansing the energy of your home. Many cultures the world over use it for this purpose. I find it interesting when divergent cultures all happen to share a common ritual, because then I think ‘hmm, there might really be something to that.’

I took a break to sit in the sun, and was reading random pages in the book 168 Feng Shui Ways to Declutter Your Home, and came across a section that talked about the energetics of living near a hospital (and how to remedy that energy), and another section talking about living near a cemetery. I realized while reading this that my whole entire life has been lived — in one place or another — within a few blocks of two or three hospitals. And the apartment we currently live in is actually sandwiched — within just a couple blocks — between a cemetery and two hospitals! And not only that, but the very house we live in was used during WWII as a makeshift hospital. (And I hardly dare go this far, but I’ve always said “this house is cursed!” much to my hubby’s chagrin…because many of the plants I bring here have quickly died for no apparent reason.)

The hospital section says:

“If you live near a hospital, you are in close proximity to yin spirits. This is because hospitals are where the yin chi of sick (and dying) people accumulates, and this is not healthy for yang living abodes. It saps the vitality of your home. Even apartment houses and mansions on land where a hospital used to be are said to be afflicted with left-over energy. This energy can be so yin as to cause residents illness and problems. … Fire energy, in the form of incense smoke, absorbs yin chi and dissipates it, and so is an effective way to balance the yin emanating from hospitals or hospital land, and also police stations, abattoirs, and other places where there is death, sickness, and dying energy present. Many Chinese, who observe space-cleansing rituals purify their homes with incense smoke each Friday evening just after sunset. …”

The cemetery section says:

If your home or apartment house is located near a burial ground, it is a good idea to cleanse your home regularly with incense. … Homes located near cemeteries are vulnerable to what is known as yin spirit formation, an affliction that often brings illness to children or those whose astrological timing is low and weak. The Chinese are especially sensitive to this kind of affliction and often combat it with fire-energy cleansing, which makes use of incense and smoke. It is believed that smoke from holy fragrant incense that is placed on a burning coal keeps yin spirits away from your home.

I was reassured, however, by reading this particular paragraph regarding negative energies in your home:

When negative chi has seeped into the spirit of a home in this manner, it must be released. Releasing it is not difficult. It is not hard to cleanse spaces of their left-over energy, regardless of how strong the negative energy is.

Thank goodness for that! And you can bet I’ll be carrying out incense space-clearings on a more regular basis! I also like using the Australian Bush Flower Essence Space Clearing Spray and will most certainly be making up a fresh batch of that spray for much more regular household use!


What do you do to clear the energies in your home?


When the weather gets warm, the rugs get put out on the roof!


Guarding Your Energies

One thing that’s been at the top of my mind the past few months is guarding my energies. What I mean by that is choosing carefully how I spend my precious and limited energetic resources. A person only has so much energy… yet there are millions of places where one can spend their energy — especially with the information explosion that is the internet!

There’s so much information out there to read, so many books, so many websites, so many cool avenues to explore. So many possibilities of things to make, do, try out, places to go. It can be frustrating when you can’t learn about and do everything you want to. Such is the dilemma of this modern age! The world is open to us like it never was in the past, but as great as that is, it also means we have to learn to say no to a lot of stuff.

When I was in the depths of illness with hardly any energy at all, I learned to be very careful with how I spent it. I stopped bringing home those free magazines from the health food store (voila – less reading, less clutter!). I cancelled holds on several library books — meaning fewer trips to the library and fewer things in my reading pile. I made sure the stuff in my reading pile was stuff I really wanted to read. I threw away new recipes requiring too much effort or too many new ingredients. I crossed errands off my list for things I didn’t absolutely need. I bought things at the expensive store close to our house, instead of riding a lot further away on my bike just to save a couple dollars at the cheaper store.

Spending my energy more thoughtfully has been an excellent lesson. It’s something I’ll continue to do from now on. With the beginning of a fresh new year, I’ve been feeling inspired to complete projects that I’ve been wanting to do for some time now. And if I’m going to do those projects, I have to make them a priority — which means saying no to other, less important stuff that can so easily fill a day.

So today, I crossed stuff off my to-do list that I decided not to do after all (which is the quickest way to reduce your to-do list, for sure! hehe!).

I went through my email box and unsubscribed from almost all the email lists that I’ve gotten onto over the years.

I called Barnes & Noble for the fifth time, trying to get the last of the fraudulent charges removed from my credit card… (not to bash them, though, because I’ve been really impressed with them and the customer service people have been great, but I think doing refunds is just a bit of a process) but then after being transferred to the wrong department, I hung up and thought “forget it!!” and wrote a check for the remaining money, sealed it up and mailed it off. I figured it would ‘cost’ me less energy to earn the money back than it would to continue to spend time and energy trying to get the refund!

It’s an ongoing process… paring down clutter — physical and otherwise — that creeps into your day and eats up time and energy. I’m actually loving this process right now, because it means I’m actively shaping my life into what I want, and I’m getting rid of extraneous “filler” so that I’ll have more time for the things that really excite me — the things I want to say “YES!!” to. Otherwise I feel overwhelmed with all the stuff in piles that I have to read and deal with. But getting ruthless with incoming clutter and taking the word “No” to a whole new level is paying off. Life begins to feel simpler, with more breathing room. Less stress. More time for things that are truly important to you. More energy to devote to them!


On the longest night of the year…

On this, the longest night of the year…

I’m enjoying the darkness and quietude. This year, I notice how much I’m loving the early dusks and long nights. Not being stuck in a basement cubicle all day, I’m much more synched up with nature’s rhythms. It feels right.

Right now, big snowflakes are falling fast outside. I stop what I’m doing and make frequent trips to the window, delighting each time in the sight of swirling snow under the street light.

Earlier, the good old 40’s sound of Bing Crosby was playing in the background while I wrapped presents in front of the Christmas tree.

Now, the lights are off…the candles are flickering…the snow keeps falling…the tree is glowing…and piano music from The Snowman plays quietly.

If this moment wanted to last forever, that sure would be fine by me…


♦♦ Happy Winter Solstice to you ♦♦




Except in storybooks, you don’t really hear about nightcaps much, do you? But if you’re a cold sleeper like I am, they’re so helpful! I began wearing one to bed during the winter a couple years ago, and couldn’t believe the difference it made! So I wear one each night and stay a lot warmer now.

Do you ever wear a nightcap to bed on cold winter nights?


A Peaceful, Snowy Saturday

What a nice day we had today; it snowed through the night and this morning we awoke to an enchanting winter wonderland!

It was cold and humid and still lightly snowing when F and I walked to the local health food store at midday, and now, tonight, it’s 12° outside and we’re tucked into our warm apartment, smelling pork roast and vegetables baking in the oven.


This is heaven!


Here are some pictures from our walk:


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