Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Category: Thoughts + Inspiration (Page 8 of 18)

A Peaceful Place

When Trish over at Soul Soup Sister wrote about her parents’ house and how peaceful it is and how it has an abundance of good energy and is a good place to just sit quietly, I could totally relate! I love my parents’ house for all the same reasons. When I ride my bike across a main thoroughfare into their neighborhood, I notice that I breathe out a big sigh. It’s a quieter, safer, and much less congested neighborhood. A much calmer atmosphere. We have a lovely little apartment of course — it’s a space of love and laughter, it has good energy, and it has lots of character and beautiful stained glass windows and vaulted ceilings. However the neighborhood is congested and noisy, we have people living below us, I feel disconnected from nature and the earth, and even if I did have my own yard, I wouldn’t feel totally safe and at ease sitting in it (the neighborhood being what it is). And when I don’t leave this place for days at a time — held prisoner by this illness — our sweet apartment begins to feel like my cell.

So it feels really good to go to their house…where my cat lives…where my gardens are….where the piano is…a house which is sometimes so quiet that my ears ring…which has a safe & private yard…and just be in peace. I feel extremely lucky to have their house as another option for days when I need to get outta here, or be outside, but don’t feel well enough to be out and about in the world. It feels like a healing respite. There’s lots of quietude and good energy.

I went over there Tuesday — my cat was the only one home. She took a nap in the sunshine on the warm straw in the garden while I puttered around and collected the last of the parsley, calendula, and queen anne’s lace seeds, and then had some tea. Later we took a nap, cuddled up together under a blanket on the couch. My cat is so great. We are so in tune with each other. She’s so good at quietly supporting… just being there. I was taking a nap, and every once in a while I’d open my eyes to see if she was sleeping too, but no… each time I’d open my eyes she’d be staring at me! Eventually, though, she did close her eyes and sleep too.

Here are some pictures from around my parents’ house:


Can you see the kitty rushing by? 🙂

I adore this painting my dad did for me, of an Australian Aboriginal man. My dad is amazing. I wish I had his talent~

My cat Liz, resting on the straw in my garden.

The front porch




Philosophy Friday: Doing Our Best In a Complex Situation

Hope you’ve all had a good week… I can’t believe how quickly it went! For me this week has been full of emotion, some very low points, and a fair bit of hand-wringing. I haven’t been feeling well…I’ve been definitely-not-right for a year and a half, but especially sick for the past 5 months with fevers almost every day, painful lymph nodes in every corner of my body, and running at only 25% (or sometimes 5%) of my usual energy — plus so much other stuff too. Sometimes I’m so incredibly sick I can hardly open my eyes, and ‘whatever it is’ has slowly been progressing, affecting new parts of my body in creative & alarming ways. Watching my previously excellent health pretty much fall apart has been (and is) a scary, unsettling experience. And even after lots of tests done on (so far) 26 vials of blood, it’s still a mystery because it’s unclear whether there are two separate things going on, or if it’s all part of the same issue.

My head has been over and under and around ‘this thing’ so many times…churning on it, studying it, considering what to do about it, weighing western approach against eastern approach…and ultimately feeling paralyzed and unable to see how best to address it. We each have our values, don’t we… the values we create during times of wellness & happiness. I value alternative medicine…and prefer & feel most comfortable in that arena. Though, I pick and choose carefully in that area…having observed that there are indeed diamonds out there, but there’s also a lot of rubbish.

But desperate times call for desperate measures, and I’ve had to compromise my preference for natural-only. Or…is it a compromise? Maybe it’s just a value adjustment, based upon the new information I’m gathering as I’m navigating this new territory — because I’ve never been this sick before. And I find myself glad to have the technology of western medicine to (hopefully) find out what’s up (or at least rule out what’s not up) — and at the same time, repeatedly hoping that I’m doing the right thing by following this particular route at this particular time.

It’s a complex situation. And I’ve finally decided that in this case, what I feel best with is a combination of western & eastern. Western, because I feel like that’s what’s called for in this extenuating circumstance. And eastern as a supplement — to support my body in the best way I can while it’s trying its hardest under these less-than-ideal conditions. (Excellent nutrition is a big part of this!)

And so today I had a full-body CT scan — from mid-head to pelvis. It’s the next step in trying to suss out what’s causing all this. I’ve been having trouble settling it in my mind…knowing it’s a lot of radiation on my sensitive body. But also knowing full well that it’s a risk-benefit thing — and the benefit outweighs the risk right now. Part of the CT experience was drinking 32 ounces of barium, as well as receiving two separate doses of contrast dye through an IV during the scan. And a week prior, I had an MRI with gadolinium contrast through an IV. Gadolinium is on the Periodic Table… and is not something I want in my body for any longer than necessary!

Readi-Cat, drinkable barium. Cute name & I actually liked the taste! But it made me nauseous.

The assortment of heavy metals and dyes also make me feel quite ill for the rest of the day after receiving them, so the best thing I can do for my body is help it get that stuff flushed right out. So today, I came home and started chugging water with fresh lemon juice…and 8 hours later now I’m finally starting to feel less yucky. I also juiced a ton of cilantro (and have been eating heaps of cilantro lately anyway) along with parsley and garden celery, since it’s been found that fresh cilantro binds really well to heavy metals in your body and carries them safely out. I’ve also been drinking my beet kvass tonight, since that’s a great blood purifier…in addition to eating my everyday fare of lots of fresh, organic fruits & veggies, which is pretty much all my body wants & can tolerate right now. (Oh and some chocolate too, ya know…for medicinal purposes only, of course!)

Cilantro, parsley, & celery juice

And for the radiation, I’m thankful to have my kit of Australian Bush Flower Essences because I mixed up the Electro essence blend right when I got home. Interestingly, this blend was used in a clinical trial of bodily radiation levels in children affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Radiation levels were measured before and after 2 weeks in a control group, plus a group that received spirulina, and in a group that received the Electro flower essence blend. After 2 weeks, the radiation level in the control group decreased 3.5% and the spirulina group decreased 25.3%, while the radiation level in the Electro group decreased 43%!

Anyway, I guess it’s all a big learning experience (like everything else!), resulting in a constant stream of adjustments being made to our inner selves along the way…forcing us to re-evaluate ourselves and our values and the things we previously thought we had “all figured out.”  And ultimately we gain compassion and perspective and first-hand experience, along with plenty of opportunities to practice surrender and acceptance. And we find out, again, that things are never really black-and-white once you’ve actually experienced them and put your previously-perceived values to the test.

This is an intense one…and I have to wonder what the ultimate purpose of it will be. My fear is that I’ll feel like this forevermore. I probably won’t, but at least I hope there’s a higher purpose to it all!



Gratitude Sunday * August 28, 2011

Sunday’s a good day to remember what we’ve been grateful for over the past week, don’t you think? I’m joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition, and here’s my list:

– That we’re not in the path of a hurricane. I feel like I’m going through an “inner” hurricane but, oh, I think going through an actual physical one would just completely put me over the edge. My heart goes out to all of you having to deal with that real, live, looming hurricane.

– Limping my way through the latter part of this week, and hopefully onto a better week ahead. I must’ve jinxed it when I said I was feeling so much lighter last week!

– Remembering, as I write this, to choose love over fear — and then immediately feeling lighter. Why is it so hard to remember this when we’re in crisis??

– Also remembering to not resist what is. When we resist, we suffer. After I’ve exhausted myself going round and round in my head, it’s a relief to finally give up and accept.

– Eating a bell pepper straight off the stalk. And then a tomato with basil. And then celery… and pretty soon I’ve had lunch in my garden!

– A flower in the bathroom.

– Going into the beautiful, tempting Whole Foods store and leaving without buying one single thing. Self restraint can feel so satisfying.

– Going swimming on Thursday morning with my mom at our friend’s apartment building’s warm indoor pool. That was so fun!

– Watching Annie Hall (1977) on Friday night after both Hubby and I each had a horror of a day. It felt so great to laugh!

– My garden cucumbers. And how they’re flooding in right now when I need them most; when my tummy is delicate and finicky, often the only thing I want to eat is cucumbers with vinegar, salt, and pepper. It feels so good to nourish my body with my own stuff.

– Organic raspberries on sale at the store.

– Magazines. Sometimes there’s nothing like a magazine. Few words, lots of pretty pictures, and inspiration. I turned some frequent flier miles into subscriptions to Sunset and Coastal Living last year, and have been enjoying those so much more than I thought! I find myself grabbing for them more often than my (beloved) Mother Earth News, cause sometimes I just don’t feel like turning on my brain and learning something, and instead want to feast my eyes and imagination. I love sitting outside in my stair garden in the evening, with tea and one of those magazines.

– Music on my MP3 player and how it can calm me down and bring me back to Earth at 2:30 in the morning after a terrible dream.

– Returning completed library books. There’s something really satisfying about that!

– Enjoying the last of summer, but also welcoming the subtle hints of fall.


What blessings have you appreciated throughout your week? Leave a comment and let us know!



Gratitude Sunday * August 21, 2011

Sunday’s a good day to remember what we’ve been grateful for over the past week, don’t you think? I’m joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition, and here’s my list:

– A new, lighter feeling these past couple weeks. Feeling really excited to wake up each morning because of all the things I want to get started on! Can I just tell you how good this feels?! Have you been feeling a little lighter too?

– Eating so well out of my garden. My garden food makes me so happy.

– The luxury of being able to have a quiet week with no obligations, no have-tos. Actually as I write this, I realize it’s no accident. A luxury, oh my yes, but very much engineered. In order to get to this space I’m in now, there was lots of hard work & hard thinking, shuffling and hemming and hawing and vacillating, saving money, and then finally mustering my courage to take action around my job dissatisfaction. And I’m so grateful to be reaping the rewards of all that now.

– Watching a dragonfly hunting bugs in the evening light; turns out they are agile, lightning-quick bug-snarfing machines!!

– Doing my mending while finally watching my “Creating Your Space of Love” DVD that I bought at an excellent Anastasia workshop a couple years ago. Have you heard of the Anastasia series (by Vladimir Megré)? It’s quite something. Far out, and I love it. The workshop was incredible, too. I took lots of notes, and maybe someday I’ll post them to this blog.

– Ripping through lots of library books! It’s been a hang-low, not-feeling-well week…and I’ve been outside reading a lot in the beautiful summer breezes.

– Clean(er) house!

– Mending favorite things rather than buying new ones…and looking around to see what I can use to make a new laundry bag instead of buying a new one.

– Feeling as though I’ve gotten a really important bit of divine assistance this week. All I can think is “thank you thank you thank you.”

– Forgotten, long-buried creative impulses beginning to bubble to the surface again!

– Having my Hubby to go through life with. And how much he makes me laugh!!! (I think I said this last week. Ah well it bears repeating.)

– Having a nice break from the computer, and then coming back again to post this Gratitude Sunday list.

– Having a wonderful evening visit with my folks last night, sitting out in the perfect air, chatting until past 10pm with crickets and cicadas all around.

– Washing the scum off our shower curtain; heehee, it’s the little things… (at least the scum was a pretty pink though).

– Alone time. We all need alone time…

– That my body, in its wisdom, tells me what would be good to eat. I love how I don’t have to wonder…how it just lets me know. It’s very certain!

– A long nap on a blanket in the grass today.


What blessings have you appreciated throughout your week? Leave a comment!


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