Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Tag: cookies (Page 3 of 3)

Warm Cookies for a Chilly Autumn Afternoon

Chocolate Zucchini Cookies

It sure has been cold here lately. We’ve had temperatures down into the teens, with our first snow storm a few days ago. This is highly unusual, and most of the leaves haven’t had a chance to turn colors yet, and are now hanging limply from their branches, frozen! Kinda sad!

It’s the perfect time, therefore, to bake some Chocolate Zucchini Cookies and have a glass of milk.

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Philosophy Friday: Even Julia Child Made Mistakes in the Kitchen

I was recently watching a Julia Child episode on DVD, when she launched into this little sermon about peoples’ irrational fear of failure while learning to cook. I liked it so much that I recorded it and posted it so you could see it, too:

Julia Child – “Don’t be afraid of failure in the kitchen” from The Herbangardener on Vimeo.

We must not be deterred if our cooking flops, because that’s how we best learn the quirks of the ingredients we cook with, and how to combine things for the best results. I sometimes get pretty frustrated when my cooking doesn’t work out, especially when I waste good ingredients (and precious time!). But I also know that mistakes can be very good teachers…

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“Pan Cookies”: Baking Cookies on the Stove!

Baking Pan Cookies on the stove

Ranger Cookies "baked" in a pan on the stove

Our apartment gets so hot during the summer, that I have to think long and hard before I decide to turn on the oven and make it worse. If I decide to use the oven, I organize myself days in advance so that I’m baking 2 or 3 dishes at once.

Recently, I had an idea. What if I “baked” cookies in my cast-iron frying pan, on the stove? I wouldn’t have to turn on the oven!

I was so excited that I tried the experiment right away, and it worked!!! It worked so well, I was shocked. First, I made up some Ranger Cookie batter using this recipe (although almost any cookie recipe would work)…

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