Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Tag: gardening (Page 14 of 14)

Farm Report: 30 lbs of food!

Garden harvest September 6 2009

After a week away, the garden didn’t look a whole lot bigger, but there sure was a lot of food in there! 10 lbs of cucumbers, 15 (!) lbs of zucchini, and probably about 5 lbs of tomatoes.

Harvest time is my favorite part of the year. It’s like Christmas! 🙂

“The Jungle Look”

The main garden area - raised beds

The main garden area - raised beds

I thought I’d show you 5 garden pictures I took yesterday. [Mostly] everything is going bananas! And if you hadn’t gathered from the picture, I’ll point out that my gardening style is not so much the tidy, perfectly-spaced row look, but more the Chock-a-Block style…the “Pack-it-in-I’ll-make-it-fit-somehow” style, or just simply, “The Jungle Look.” (Click below for more pictures)

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“Farm Report” for August 3: Zucchini Mania & Lethargic Tomatoes

18-inch Cocozelle Zucchini from the garden (5 lbs)

18-inch Cocozelle Zucchini from the garden (5 lbs)

I felt so proud when I harvested some more zucchinis yesterday! For some reason, they’re just going NUTS this year. My zucchinis don’t always do this well. Nope. I’m still trying to figure out why they do so well when they do!

In other news, I harvested two barely-ripe cherry tomatoes yesterday — the first tomatoes of the season. 🙁 We’ve had an unusually cold, wet spring and summer so far (I love it!), so the delay is understandable! I’m trying to wait patiently, but I keep thinking about past years when we were drowning in [luscious organic heirloom] tomatoes by now. And I just realized I have 18 tomato plants in the garden this year! (Gee, think that’ll be enough??!)

How are your zucchinis doing? Do you have a trick for getting them to do consistently well every year??

Name That Fungus!

yellow fungus / dog vomit slime mold

Around 9 a.m. one recent morning, my dad called me at work because there seemed to be kind of a garden emergency going on in one of my raised beds. Growing on the mulch, he said, was a spongy yellow fungus that hadn’t been there the night before — and it was already the size of a dinner plate. When I talked to him a couple hours later, he reported that the fungus had gotten taller. Continue reading


Welcome to The Herbangardener! Thanks for stopping by!

This site is dedicated to nourishing the body + spirit through backyard organic gardening, traditional foodways, and homesteading in the heart of the city.

I wish I could describe my own homestead as “four lovely acres in the country, with a fruit orchard, vast gardens of veggies & flowers, a flock of chickens, and a cow.” That would be my dream!

My current living situation, though, is slightly less picturesque — I live in a drafty, one-bedroom attic apartment in the middle of the city. It’s not quite my dream, but in spite of all the asphalt and traffic, it’s still my homestead.

You can create a homestead no matter where you live! I’ve discovered that it’s as much a mindset as it is a physical setting — maybe even more so.

It’s time to revolutionize our gardens, reclaim our kitchens, and re-establish simple, balanced living.

You can do this wherever you are — even if your garden is just a pot of parsley in the kitchen window!

Growing and cooking our own food no longer holds the stigma it once did. In fact, not only is it in vogue now — it’s also a wonderful way to nourish both body and spirit, especially when we’re not able to achieve the part about simple, balanced living.

At my little urban homestead (which I share with my dear & wonderful hubby), I love playing with new ideas and learning new things, which I write about on this site. I also love gardening! For years, I’ve had an organic veggie garden in my parents’ backyard (five 4’x8’ raised beds). The neat thing is, my garden gives more than just vegetables — it provides satisfaction and enjoyment, and a deep sense of peacefulness when I’m near it. I feel so proud when I’m able to nourish my family with foods that I’ve lovingly grown and prepared with my own hands!

And so I warmly invite you to join me here at The Herbangardener, as we strive to create our own homestead-sanctuaries no matter what our present living situation may be!

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